Surveys of Landsat Users
Social scientists at the Fort Collins Science Center have conducted the following three surveys that identify the users of Landsat imagery, describe the variety of applications it’s used for, and gauge the value of the data.
- 2009 Survey - The first online survey of nearly 2,500 moderate-resolution imagery (MRI) users focused on:
- Reaching a breadth of users and uses across all sectors
- Understanding the impacts of the free and open data policy
- 2012 Survey - The second survey sampled more than 11,000 Landsat users registered with EROS and successfully:
- Identified users who had started using the imagery after it became freely available in 2008
- Compared these new users to established users in how they valued and used Landsat imagery
- Discovered more about international users of Landsat imagery
- 2014 Survey - The third survey used a sampling pool and list of questions similar to the 2012 survey, but expanded by:
- Focusing on the impact of the launch of Landsat 8
- Providing international feedback on the impact of Landsat 8 imagery
Below are publications associated with this project.
Users and uses of Landsat 8 satellite imagery—2014 survey results
Executive Summary In 2013, Landsat 8 began adding high quality, global, moderate-resolution imagery to the more than 40-year archive of Landsat imagery. To assess the potential effects of the availability of Landsat 8 imagery on users and their work, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Land Remote Sensing Program (LRS) initiated a survey of Landsat users. The objectives of the survey were...
Holly M. Miller
Users, uses, and value of Landsat satellite imagery: results from the 2012 survey of users
Landsat satellites have been operating since 1972, providing a continuous global record of the Earth’s land surface. The imagery is currently available at no cost through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Social scientists at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center conducted an extensive survey in early 2012 to explore who uses Landsat imagery, how they use the imagery, and what the value...
Holly M. Miller, Leslie A. Richardson, Stephen R. Koontz, John Loomis, Lynne Koontz
The users, uses, and value of Landsat and other moderate-resolution satellite imagery in the United States-Executive report
Moderate-resolution imagery (MRI), such as that provided by the Landsat satellites, provides unique spatial information for use by many people both within and outside of the United States (U.S.). However, exactly who these users are, how they use the imagery, and the value and benefits derived from the information are, to a large extent, unknown. To explore these issues, social...
Holly M. Miller, Natalie R. Sexton, Lynne Koontz, John Loomis, Stephen R. Koontz, Caroline Hermans
Social scientists at the Fort Collins Science Center have conducted the following three surveys that identify the users of Landsat imagery, describe the variety of applications it’s used for, and gauge the value of the data.
- 2009 Survey - The first online survey of nearly 2,500 moderate-resolution imagery (MRI) users focused on:
- Reaching a breadth of users and uses across all sectors
- Understanding the impacts of the free and open data policy
- 2012 Survey - The second survey sampled more than 11,000 Landsat users registered with EROS and successfully:
- Identified users who had started using the imagery after it became freely available in 2008
- Compared these new users to established users in how they valued and used Landsat imagery
- Discovered more about international users of Landsat imagery
- 2014 Survey - The third survey used a sampling pool and list of questions similar to the 2012 survey, but expanded by:
- Focusing on the impact of the launch of Landsat 8
- Providing international feedback on the impact of Landsat 8 imagery
Below are publications associated with this project.
Users and uses of Landsat 8 satellite imagery—2014 survey results
Executive Summary In 2013, Landsat 8 began adding high quality, global, moderate-resolution imagery to the more than 40-year archive of Landsat imagery. To assess the potential effects of the availability of Landsat 8 imagery on users and their work, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Land Remote Sensing Program (LRS) initiated a survey of Landsat users. The objectives of the survey were...
Holly M. Miller
Users, uses, and value of Landsat satellite imagery: results from the 2012 survey of users
Landsat satellites have been operating since 1972, providing a continuous global record of the Earth’s land surface. The imagery is currently available at no cost through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Social scientists at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center conducted an extensive survey in early 2012 to explore who uses Landsat imagery, how they use the imagery, and what the value...
Holly M. Miller, Leslie A. Richardson, Stephen R. Koontz, John Loomis, Lynne Koontz
The users, uses, and value of Landsat and other moderate-resolution satellite imagery in the United States-Executive report
Moderate-resolution imagery (MRI), such as that provided by the Landsat satellites, provides unique spatial information for use by many people both within and outside of the United States (U.S.). However, exactly who these users are, how they use the imagery, and the value and benefits derived from the information are, to a large extent, unknown. To explore these issues, social...
Holly M. Miller, Natalie R. Sexton, Lynne Koontz, John Loomis, Stephen R. Koontz, Caroline Hermans