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Kansas Water Science Center

The Kansas Water Science Center provides data and research on water availability and ecosystem health in support of Federal, State, and local agencies in Kansas and across the U.S. 


Kansas Water Science Center Quarterly Newsletter - May 2024

Kansas Water Science Center Quarterly Newsletter - May 2024

Kansas Water Science Center Presents: Science Seminar Series - July 2024

Kansas Water Science Center Presents: Science Seminar Series - July 2024

Kansas Water Science Center Presents: Science Seminar Series - April 2024

Kansas Water Science Center Presents: Science Seminar Series - April 2024


Computation of bromide concentrations at the Kansas River at De Soto, Kansas, January 2021 through October 2023

The Kansas River is an essential water resource that provides drinking water to more than 950,000 people in northeastern Kansas. Water suppliers that rely on the Kansas River as a water-supply source use physical and chemical water-treatment strategies to remove contaminants before distribution. Water District No. 1 of Johnson County, Kansas (WaterOne), is the largest water supplier in the State a
Thomas J. Williams, Greg S. Totzke

Water-quality constituent concentrations and loads computed using real-time water-quality data for the Republican River, Clay Center, Kansas, August 2018 through July 2023

Milford Lake, the largest reservoir by surface area in Kansas, has had confirmed harmful algal blooms every summer since reporting began in 2011, except 2018–19. Milford Lake has been listed as impaired and designated hypereutrophic under section 303(d) of the 1972 Clean Water Act. In 2014, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment established a total maximum daily load for eutrophication an
Ariele R. Kramer, Justin R. Abel

Methods for computing water-quality concentrations and loads at sites operated by the U.S. Geological Survey Kansas Water Science Center

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Kansas Water Science Center (KSWSC) has published time-series computations of water-quality concentrations and loads based on in situ sensor data since 1995. Water-quality constituent concentrations or densities are computed using regression models that relate in situ sensor values to laboratory analyses of periodically collected samples. These regression models c
Mandy L. Stone, Casey J. Lee, Teresa J. Rasmussen, Thomas J. Williams, Ariele R. Kramer, Brian J. Klager


From Tread to Watershed: How Tire Wear Particle Chemicals 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone Are Impacting Waterways

Tire and road wear particles (TRWPs) are generated during normal driving conditions and contain both rubber and roadway materials. These particles travel from the roadways and urban environments into surrounding ecosystems where there are deleterious impacts from both the TRWPs and leached rubber chemicals. Recent studies have demonstrated the widespread occurrence and toxicity of TRWPs and their...

From Tread to Watershed: How Tire Wear Particle Chemicals 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone Are Impacting Waterways

Tire and road wear particles (TRWPs) are generated during normal driving conditions and contain both rubber and roadway materials. These particles travel from the roadways and urban environments into surrounding ecosystems where there are deleterious impacts from both the TRWPs and leached rubber chemicals. Recent studies have demonstrated the widespread occurrence and toxicity of TRWPs and their...
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Effect of Water-Injection Dredging (WID) Operations on Water Quality Downstream from Tuttle Creek Reservoir

USGS continuous water-quality monitoring and discrete sampling is an integral component for understanding pre-, during, and post-WID water-quality conditions and the impacts on the surrounding ecosystems.

Effect of Water-Injection Dredging (WID) Operations on Water Quality Downstream from Tuttle Creek Reservoir

USGS continuous water-quality monitoring and discrete sampling is an integral component for understanding pre-, during, and post-WID water-quality conditions and the impacts on the surrounding ecosystems.
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6PPD-quinone is a compound used to make tires more durable and is also linked to toxicity for Coho Salmon and other aquatic species.


6PPD-quinone is a compound used to make tires more durable and is also linked to toxicity for Coho Salmon and other aquatic species.
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