USGS Nebraska Water Science Center Associate Director Richard "Rick" Wilson describes the reasons for and extent of the flooding on the Missouri River in 2011, the risks associated with the flooding, and the work the USGS is doing on the river to characterize the amount of scour and other potential damage resulting from the flood waters.

USGS Nebraska Water Science Center Associate Director Richard "Rick" Wilson describes the reasons for and extent of the flooding on the Missouri River in 2011, the risks associated with the flooding, and the work the USGS is doing on the river to characterize the amount of scour and other potential damage resulting from the flood waters.
Hydrologists with the Nebraska Water Science Center use geophysics to unlock the groundwater mystery in eastern Nebraska. Because the area was a dumping ground for glacial till when the glaciers retreated 12,000 years ago, the groundwater resources are hard to quantify with more traditional surveying techniques such as test-hole drilling.
Hydrologists with the Nebraska Water Science Center use geophysics to unlock the groundwater mystery in eastern Nebraska. Because the area was a dumping ground for glacial till when the glaciers retreated 12,000 years ago, the groundwater resources are hard to quantify with more traditional surveying techniques such as test-hole drilling.