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USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center staff publish results of their research in USGS series reports and in peer-reviewed journals. Publication links are below.  Information on all USGS publications can be found at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Net-firing gun for capturing breeding waterfowl

Abstract has not been submitted
L.M. Mechlin, C.W. Shaiffer

Lead residues in sora rails from Maryland

During September and October, mi- grating sora rails (Porzana carolina) use tidal marshes of the Patuxent River in Maryland, where they have been hunted for many years. Spent shot accumulates in the marsh during the rail hunting sea- son, and some shot is ingested by the birds. Twelve percent of gizzards from rails collected at the marsh during 1965- 73 contained lead shot (Artmann and Martin 197
Rey C. Stendell, Joseph W. Artmann, Elwood Martin

Avian mortality at man-made structures: an annotated bibliography (revised)

No abstract available.
Michael L. Avery, Paul F. Springer, Nancy S. Dailey

Modeling sandhill crane population dynamics

The impact of sport hunting on the Central Flyway population of sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) has been a subject of controversy for several years. A recent study (Buller 1979) presented new and important information on sandhill crane population dynamics. The present report is intended to incorporate that and other information into a mathematical model for the purpose of assessing the long-rang
D. H. Johnson

Mathematics and mallard management

Waterfowl managers can effectively use simple population models to aid in making management decisions. We present a basic model of the change in population size as related to survival and recruitment. A management technique designed to increase survival of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) by limiting harvest on the Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota, is used to illustrate the application of models i
L.M. Cowardin, D. H. Johnson

Fall foods of migrant common snipe in North Dakota

Abstract has not been submitted
E. K. Fritzell, G.A. Swanson, M.I. Meyer

Annual cycle of plasma luteinizing hormone and sex hormones in male and female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)

Comparisons between 'wild'and 'game farm' mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) were made to assess the differences in the temporal changes of plasma hormones. Seasonal variation in the levels of immunoreactive luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, 5 -dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrone, estradiol-17i?? and progesterone were measured in male and female mallards. In all birds there was a vernal increase i
R.S. Donham

Last chance to save a priceless heritage

Abstract has not been submitted
G.L. Krapu