Geospatial (GIS) and Map Resources for the South Atlantic Region
Map and Geographical Information System (GIS) resources
Georgia: Georgia GIS Clearinghouse
North Carolina: NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis | NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council | NC One Map | NC Stream Mapping Program | NC Floodplain Mapping
NC State GIS Library | NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Online GIS | NC Department of Transportation GIS | NC Geological Survey Maps and aerial photographs
South Carolina: SCDOT GIS & Maps | S.C. Department of Natural Resources | S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control
WaterWatch (Current Streamflow): Georgia | North Carolina | South Carolina
National Geospatial Program | Spatial data sets available on the WRD NSDI node | The National Map | National Hydrography Dataset | National Elevation Dataset | Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics | Board of Geographic Names (BGN) | Watershed Boundary Dataset
National Geospatial Advisory Committee | Open Geospatial Consortium | National States Geographic Information Council | National Hydrography Dataset Plus
Map and Geographical Information System (GIS) resources
Georgia: Georgia GIS Clearinghouse
North Carolina: NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis | NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council | NC One Map | NC Stream Mapping Program | NC Floodplain Mapping
NC State GIS Library | NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Online GIS | NC Department of Transportation GIS | NC Geological Survey Maps and aerial photographs
South Carolina: SCDOT GIS & Maps | S.C. Department of Natural Resources | S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control
WaterWatch (Current Streamflow): Georgia | North Carolina | South Carolina
National Geospatial Program | Spatial data sets available on the WRD NSDI node | The National Map | National Hydrography Dataset | National Elevation Dataset | Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics | Board of Geographic Names (BGN) | Watershed Boundary Dataset
National Geospatial Advisory Committee | Open Geospatial Consortium | National States Geographic Information Council | National Hydrography Dataset Plus