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Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center scientists contribute to multimedia outreach products. Check out the links below to learn more!


GCMRC researchers contribute to the USGS's Ecosystem Mission Area podcast series Outstanding in the Field

Check out these episodes:

Episode 2 - Citizen Science - Your data in Action 

Summary: This episode of Outstanding in the Field is our first to highlight USGS science along the Colorado River as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Powell Expedition, an exploration of the Green and Colorado Rivers that ended in the Grand Canyon.  In this episode we’re talking about citizen science and getting the public involved in the scientific process of monitoring aquatic insects in the Colorado River near the Glen Canyon Dam. Citizen science efforts aren’t new; but, in this case, the results changed how part of a world-famous river flowed for a summer in 2018. 

Episode 5 Something's Fishy in Grand Canyon 

Summary: In this episode of Outstanding in the Field, you will learn about the one-of-a-kind native fish species that call the Grand Canyon segment of the Colorado River home and the USGS science that is characterizing the past and present conditions of the Colorado River to understand the impacts to fish populations.

Episode 6 - Not Enough Beaches in Grand Canyon?

Summary: In this episode of Outstanding in the Field, we are talking about beaches in a place that most people probably would not think of—the Grand Canyon. USGS scientists at the Southwest Biological Science Center’s Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center in Flagstaff, Arizona are looking at how a dam and vegetation are making things difficult for the beaches in Grand Canyon.