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Long-tailed Vole (Microtus longicaudus) mLTVOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Long-Tailed Vole. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Speckled Racer (Drymobius margaritiferus) rSPRAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Speckled Racer. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake (Chionactis palarostris) rSSNSx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Mole Skink (Plestiodon egregius) rMOSKx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Plestiodon egregius (Mole Skink). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) bMODOx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Zenaida macroura (Mourning Dove). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Striped Whipsnake (Coluber taeniatus) rSTWHx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Striped Whipsnake. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Greater Earless Lizard (Cophosaurus texanus) rGELIx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Greater Earless Lizard. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) bNSWOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Northern Saw-whet Owl. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Coyote (Canis latrans) mCOYOx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Coyote. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Common Checkered Whiptail (Aspidoscelis tesselata) rCCWHx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Aspidoscelis tesselata (Common Checkered Whiptail). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Dwarf Waterdog (Necturus punctatus) aDWWAx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Dwarf Waterdog. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

White-footed Deermouse (Peromyscus leucopus) mWFDEx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for White-footed Deermouse. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.