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Disease Surveillance Tools for Managers

With labs that rival those of your favorite crime scene investigator and tech that would make even the most resourceful problem-solving secret agent jealous, the USGS is developing and using tools that help answer some of the most pressing questions being asked by wildlife, natural resource, and land managers.

Avian Diseases

AMBLE portal and database (Avian Monitoring for Botulism Lakeshore Events)

Avian Influenza Viruses

Movement Maps for Suisun Marsh Waterfowl and Waterbird Studies



Bsal Risk by County


Chronic Wasting Disease

Distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America

Weighted Surveillance for Detection of Chronic Wasting Disease


White-Nose Syndrome

White-Nose Syndrome Spread Maps


Wildlife Health Information Sharing Partnership event reporting system


A near real-time information portal for sharing wildlife disease events.