Virginia unit researchers study seasonal movement, dispersal, and home range of invasive Northern Snakehead Channa argus. Scientists also research growth and reproductive behavior in a newly established population of northern snakehead.
What is the Federal Government doing about snakehead fish?
Two agencies within the Department of the Interior (DOI) are responsible for researching and regulating snakeheads: the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). As the research arm of the DOI, the USGS has conducted extensive, worldwide research on snakeheads that provides a basis for regulating the importation and interstate transport of those fish in the United States
Funding for that research was sponsored through a grant from another DOI agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is responsible for fisheries management, regulations, law enforcement, and education. In 2002, the FWS added the snakehead family of fish (Channidae) to the list of injurious wildlife under the Lacey Act. This includes all currently recognized species and any new species that may be described within that family in the future. By taking this action, snakehead fish can no longer be imported into the U.S. or be transported across state lines without a permit.
What is an invasive species and why are they a problem?
An invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism (disease, parasite, plant, or animal) that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health. A few well-known examples include the unintentional introduction of the West Nile virus, chestnut blight, the South American...
Can aquarium hobbyists still possess snakeheads as pets?
In some places, yes, snakehead fish can still be kept as pets, but under several constraints. Specifically, importation and interstate transport of live snakeheads is prohibited. Many states prohibit possession of snakeheads, and several of those states have done so for decades. Aquarists can obtain information about regulations concerning possession of live snakeheads and other prohibited fishes...
Can snakehead fish harm humans?
Most snakehead fish will avoid contact with humans. In captivity, many will actually act shy around people. However, when guarding their eggs or young, they can become aggressive if approached. One species, the giant snakehead ( Channa micropeltes) native to southeastern Asia, has been reported to be aggressive toward humans who got too close to their nest. Other snakeheads are not as aggressive...
Can snakeheads still be purchased for food purposes?
Dead snakehead fish--on ice or frozen--can be imported for food purposes to any state except those where importation or possession of dead snakeheads is illegal. Live snakeheads of one species that are being cultured in Hawaii (but not exported to the United States mainland) are available in one market in Honolulu. Hawaii regulations require that all fish must be killed and their gills removed...
How did snakehead fish get into the United States?
Prior to being added to the list of injurious wildlife under the Lacey Act in 2002, which banned import and interstate transport without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, snakeheads were sold in pet stores and in live food fish markets and some restaurants in several major U.S. cities, including Boston, New York, and St. Louis. Live specimens have been confiscated by authorities in...
What are snakeheads?
Snakeheads are air-breathing freshwater fishes that are not native to North America. In scientific terms, snakeheads are divided into two distinct genera: Channa (snakeheads of Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia) Parachanna (African snakeheads) In the summer of 2002 and again in late spring 2004, Channa argus, the northern snakehead, generated national media attention when anglers caught this fish in a...
What are the potential effects of snakeheads to our waters?
During all of their life stages, snakehead fish compete with native species for food and habitat. A major concern is that snakeheads might out-compete (and eventually displace) important native or other established predatory fish that share the same habitat. As adults, snakeheads can be voracious predators. Should snakeheads become established in North American ecosystems, their predatory behavior...
What should be done with a captured snakehead fish?
If you capture a snakehead fish: Do not release the fish or throw it up on the bank (it could wriggle back into the water). Remember, this fish is an air breather and can live a long time out of water. Kill the fish by freezing it or putting it on ice for an extended length of time. Photograph the fish if you have access to a camera so the species of snakehead fish can be positively identified...
Where do snakeheads live?
Snakeheads are freshwater fishes with little, if any, tolerance for saltwater. Within their native and introduced ranges, they live in small and large streams, canals, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, and lakes. Many species can tolerate a wide range of pH, and one species living in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia prefers highly acid waters (pH 2.8-3.8). The northern snakehead and several other species...
Virginia unit researchers study seasonal movement, dispersal, and home range of invasive Northern Snakehead Channa argus. Scientists also research growth and reproductive behavior in a newly established population of northern snakehead.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Listen to hear the answer.
READI-Net—Providing tools for the early detection and management of aquatic invasive species
The National Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database
Snakeheads (Pisces, Channidae): A biological synopsis and risk assessment
Invasive species research
What is an invasive species and why are they a problem?
An invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism (disease, parasite, plant, or animal) that begins to spread or expand its range from the site of its original introduction and that has the potential to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health. A few well-known examples include the unintentional introduction of the West Nile virus, chestnut blight, the South American...
Can aquarium hobbyists still possess snakeheads as pets?
In some places, yes, snakehead fish can still be kept as pets, but under several constraints. Specifically, importation and interstate transport of live snakeheads is prohibited. Many states prohibit possession of snakeheads, and several of those states have done so for decades. Aquarists can obtain information about regulations concerning possession of live snakeheads and other prohibited fishes...
Can snakehead fish harm humans?
Most snakehead fish will avoid contact with humans. In captivity, many will actually act shy around people. However, when guarding their eggs or young, they can become aggressive if approached. One species, the giant snakehead ( Channa micropeltes) native to southeastern Asia, has been reported to be aggressive toward humans who got too close to their nest. Other snakeheads are not as aggressive...
Can snakeheads still be purchased for food purposes?
Dead snakehead fish--on ice or frozen--can be imported for food purposes to any state except those where importation or possession of dead snakeheads is illegal. Live snakeheads of one species that are being cultured in Hawaii (but not exported to the United States mainland) are available in one market in Honolulu. Hawaii regulations require that all fish must be killed and their gills removed...
How did snakehead fish get into the United States?
Prior to being added to the list of injurious wildlife under the Lacey Act in 2002, which banned import and interstate transport without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, snakeheads were sold in pet stores and in live food fish markets and some restaurants in several major U.S. cities, including Boston, New York, and St. Louis. Live specimens have been confiscated by authorities in...
What are snakeheads?
Snakeheads are air-breathing freshwater fishes that are not native to North America. In scientific terms, snakeheads are divided into two distinct genera: Channa (snakeheads of Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia) Parachanna (African snakeheads) In the summer of 2002 and again in late spring 2004, Channa argus, the northern snakehead, generated national media attention when anglers caught this fish in a...
What are the potential effects of snakeheads to our waters?
During all of their life stages, snakehead fish compete with native species for food and habitat. A major concern is that snakeheads might out-compete (and eventually displace) important native or other established predatory fish that share the same habitat. As adults, snakeheads can be voracious predators. Should snakeheads become established in North American ecosystems, their predatory behavior...
What should be done with a captured snakehead fish?
If you capture a snakehead fish: Do not release the fish or throw it up on the bank (it could wriggle back into the water). Remember, this fish is an air breather and can live a long time out of water. Kill the fish by freezing it or putting it on ice for an extended length of time. Photograph the fish if you have access to a camera so the species of snakehead fish can be positively identified...
Where do snakeheads live?
Snakeheads are freshwater fishes with little, if any, tolerance for saltwater. Within their native and introduced ranges, they live in small and large streams, canals, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, and lakes. Many species can tolerate a wide range of pH, and one species living in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia prefers highly acid waters (pH 2.8-3.8). The northern snakehead and several other species...
Virginia unit researchers study seasonal movement, dispersal, and home range of invasive Northern Snakehead Channa argus. Scientists also research growth and reproductive behavior in a newly established population of northern snakehead.
Virginia unit researchers study seasonal movement, dispersal, and home range of invasive Northern Snakehead Channa argus. Scientists also research growth and reproductive behavior in a newly established population of northern snakehead.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Snakehead fish are originally from China and Korea, but recently they've been found in Maryland, Virginia, Arkansas, California, and Florida.
Listen to hear the answer.