Submitted by Richard Kraus, LEBS, Station Chief
Dear Leah,
At Great Lakes Science Center and our field station, we strive for fisheries science excellence in service to our partners and the public. Our success in helping people understand the significance of our work is often determined by our attitudes towards our work environment and our co-workers. This subconscious awareness makes all the difference in our ability to be excited about our work, to encourage high performance in each other, and to project to outsiders the valuable contributions that we make to the enterprise of fisheries science. Today I am privileged to recognize your leadership and courage to unite our field station towards this goal. Your efforts to strengthen the morale and promote fellowship within Lake Erie Biological Station may seem like small deeds to you, but they have had and continue to have a tremendous positive impact. On behalf of everyone at this station including me, thank you for demonstrating leadership. Our station is a better place for all of your efforts, and we are all grateful.
Richard Kraus, LEBS, Station Chief
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