Leadership Lending Library
Over 400 leadership and management book titles are available to USGS employees through the USGS Library.
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0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L
Title | Author(s) |
1001 Ways to Energize Employees | Bob Nelson |
1001 Ways to Reward Employees | Bob Nelson |
212 The Extra Degree | Sam Parker |
30 Days To A Better Boss | The Arbinger Institute |
30 Days To A Simpler Life | Conie Cox, Chris Evatt |
30 Days To Better Coworkers | The Arbinger Institute |
30 Days To Getting Out Of The Box | The Arbinger Institute |
5 Dysfunctions of a Team | Patrick Lencioni |
5 Temptations of a CEO | Patrick Lencioni |
7 Acts of Courage ‐ Bold Leadership for a Wholehearted Life | Robert E. Staub |
7 Aspects of Sisterhood | Debra J. Gawrych |
7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen R. Covey |
7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave | Leigh Branham |
7 Moments ...that define excellent leaders | Lee J. Colan |
9 Natural Laws of Leadership | Warren Blank |
Title | Author(s) |
Abilene Paradox | Jerry B. Harvey |
Accountability | Theo Brooks |
Accountability Revolution | Mark Samuel |
Accountable Leader | Brian Dive |
Action Coaching | Peter Cairo |
Action Learning | David Dotlich, James Noel |
Action Learning - for Developing Leaders and Organizations | Michael J. Marquardt, J. Skipton Leonard, Arthur M. Freedman, Claudia C. Hill |
Active Life | Parker Palmer |
Adversity Advantage | Paul G. Stoltz, Erik Weihenmayer |
Age of Unreason | Charles Handy |
Aging Workforce | Jerry Hedge, Walter Borman, Steven Lammlein |
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten | David Dotlich |
Analyzing Performance Problems | Robert F. Mager, Peter Pipe |
Anatomy of a Leader | Carl Mays |
Anatomy of Change | Richard Strozzi Heckler |
Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict | The Arbinger Institute |
Angels Among Us | The Arbinger Institute |
Appreciative Inquiry | David Cooperider, Diana Whitney |
Appreciative Inquiry Handbook | David Cooperider, Diana Whitney, Jacqueline M. Stavros |
Architecture Of All Abundance | Lenedra J. Carroll |
Are We Communicating Yet? | Carl Mays |
Art of Communicating | Bert Decker |
Art of Mentoring | Shirley Peddy PhD |
Art of Possibility | Ben Zander |
Art of The Long View | Peter Schwartz |
Artists Way | Julia Cameron |
Ask And You Will Succeed | Ken D. Foster |
ASTD Reference Guide to Workplace Learning And Performance | William J. Rothwell, Henry J. Sredl |
Attitude Your Internal Compass | Denis Waitley, Boyd Matheson |
Authentic Happiness | Martin Seligman |
Title | Author(s) |
Be A People Person | John C. Maxwell |
Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader | Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan |
Becoming a Person of Influence | John C. Maxwell, Jim Dornan |
Behavioral Coaching | Suzanne Skiffington, Perry Zeus |
Best Kept Secrets in Government | Al Gore |
Best of Successories | Katherine Karvelas |
Best Practices for Succession Planning | Mark R. Sobol, Phil Harkins, Terence Conley |
Better Together | Robert Putnam, Kim Daus, Lewis M. Feldstein, Don Cohen |
Beyond Spin | Markos Kounalakis, Drew Banks |
Beyond the Myths And Magic of Mentoring | Margo Marral, Marna A. Owen |
Beyond The Wall of Resistance | Rick Maurer |
Beyond Words | Milly R. Sonneman |
Bird by Bird | Ann Lamett |
Black Butterfly | Richard Moss M.D. |
Book Of Metaphors Volume II | Machael A. Gass, PhD |
Bootstrap Words | Maura Beatty |
Bounce! | Barry J. Moltz |
Bringing Out the Best in People | Aubrey C. Daniels |
Brothers We Are Not Professionals | John Piper |
Building Beehives | Seth Kahan |
Building Character | Gene Klann |
Building Conflict Competent Teams | Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan |
Built To Last | James C Collins, Jerry l. Porras |
Business Tale: Story of Ethics Choices Success Tale | Marianne M. Jennings |
Title | Author(s) |
Call to Conscience | Clayborne Carson, Kris Shepherd, and Andrew Young |
Can You Believe Your Eyes? | Block and Yuker |
Care Packages of the Workplace | Barbara Glanz |
Caught in the Middle | Richard C. Longworth |
Change Anything | Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Marfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler |
Change At the Core - Unleash Your Team's Energy To Drive Results | Wend Mack, Myron Radio |
Change Cycle | Ann Salerno |
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life | Marilee Adams |
Coaching and Mentoring | Harvard Business School Press |
Coaching for Improved Work Performance | Ferdinand Fournies |
Co-Active Coaching | Laura Whitworth, Henry Kimsey-House, Phil Sandahl |
Collaborative Environmental Management | Tomas Koontz, Toddi Steelman, JoAnn Carmin, Cassandra Moseley, and Craig Thomas |
Crucibles of Leadership | Robert J. Thomas |
Title | Author(s) |
Dance of Change | Peter M. Senge and George Roth |
Death by Meeting | Patrick Lencioni |
Death in the Marsh | Tom Harris |
Developing High Performance People | Barbara P. Mink, Keith Q. Owen, and Oscar Mink |
Developing Leaders | Catherine Fitzgerald, Linda Kirby |
Developing the Leaders Around You | John C. Maxwell |
Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture | Kim S. Cameron and Robert E. Quinn |
Diamond Cutter | Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNally |
Difficult Conversations | Douglas F. Stone, Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton |
Do You Really Need A Team? | CCL, Michael E. Kossler, Kim Kanga |
Title | Author(s) |
Elusive Obvious | Moshe Feldenkrais |
Empowerment | Jimmy D. Bayes |
Encouraging the Heart | James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner |
Encyclopedia of Positive Questions | Diana Kaplin Whitney, David L. Cooperrider, Brian S. Kaplin |
Enlightened Leadership | Ed Oakley, Doug Krug |
EQ Edge | Steven J. Stein, PhD, Howard E. Book M.D. |
Title | Author(s) |
First Four Weeks | Michael Corum |
Fish! | Stephen C. Lundin |
Fish! Sticks | Stephen C. Lundin |
Fish! Tales | Stephen C. Lundin |
Flight of the Buffalo | James A. Belasco, Ralph C. Stayer |
Force for Change | John P. Kotter |
Four Agreements | Miguel Ruiz |
Four Agreements Companion Book | Miguel Ruiz, Janet Mills |
Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive | Patrick Lencioni |
FYI For Your Improvement | Michael M. Lombardo, Robert W. Eichinger |
Title | Author(s) |
General Theory of Love | Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon |
Generations Working Together | Laura Bernstein |
Gentle Art of Mentoring | Donna Otto |
Getting to Yes - Negotiating Agreement without Giving In | Roger Fisher, William Ury |
Good to Great | Jim Collins |
Growing Leaders | Steve Yearout, Gerry Miles with Richard Koonce |
Gung Ho! | Ken Blanchard, Bowles |
Title | Author(s) |
Hand Up | Association for Women in Science |
Handbook of Coaching | Ting and Scisco |
Handbook of Leadership Development | Ellen Van Velsor, Cynthia D. McCauley, Marian N. Ruderman |
Hodge's Harbrace College Handbook | Whitten, Hosner, Webb |
Hard Wired Leadership - Unleashing The Power of Personality to Become A New Millennium Leader | Roger R. Perman |
Harvard Business Review on Change | Harvard Business School Press |
Healing the Wounds - Overcoming The Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations | David M. Noer |
Heart of an Executive | Richard D. Phillips |
Heart of Change - Real Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations | John P. Kotter, Dan S. Cohen |
Heart of Coaching | Thomas G. Crane |
Heart of Leadership | Robert E. Staub, II |
Heart of Mentoring - Ten Proven Principles for Developing People to Their Fullest Potential | Dave A. Stoddard with Robert J. Tamasy |
Heart's Code | Paul Pearsall, PhD |
High Flyers - Developing the Next Generation of Leaders | Morgan W. McCall, Jr. |
Holding Sacred Ground | Carl D. Glickman |
How Our Lives Become Stories: Making selves | Paul John Eakin |
How Successful People Think | John C. Maxwell |
How to Be A Star At Work | Robert E. Kelley |
How to Coach an Effective Team | Micki Holliday, Joe Gilliam |
How to Form a Team | Kim Kanaga, Michael F. Kossler |
How to Give It So They Get It | Sharon Bowman |
How to Launch a Team | Kim Kanaga, Sanya Prestridge |
How to Manage Your Boss | Christopher Hegarty |
How to Talk So People Listen | Sonya Hamlin |
How We Choose to be Happy | Rick Foster and Greg Hicks |
HR Scorecard | Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, Dave Ulrich |
Human Resource Champions | Dave Ulrich |
Title | Author(s) |
Idea Power | Van Gundy |
If I Live To Be 100 | Ellis |
I'm OK, You're OK | Harris |
Improv Wisdom | Madson |
Improvement Process | H. James Harrington |
Improving Business Communication Skills | Prentice Hall |
Improvise This | Mark Bergren, Molly Cox |
Influence Without Authority | Alan Cohen and David Bradford |
Influencing with Integrity | Laborde |
Inner Work of Leaders | Mackoff, Wenett |
Inside View | Ulmer |
Internalizing Strengths | Kaplan |
Intuitive Principle | Corwin Press |
Invitation | Dreamer |
It Starts with One | Gregersen |
It's About Time | John Guaspari |
Title | Author(s) |
John Kotter on What Leaders Really Do | Kotter |
Title | Author(s) |
Kitchen Table Wisdom | Naomi, Remen |
Know Your Truth | Hannegan |
Title | Author(s) |
Lead Right | Ventura |
Leader as Coach | PDI |
Leader of the Future | The Drucker Foundation (a compilation of papers) |
Leader to Leader | The Drucker Foundation (a compilation of papers) |
Leaders | Bennis, Nanus |
Leaders of the Future | LTL Inst |
Leadership & Self-Deception | The Arbinger Institute |
Leadership & Spirit | CCL |
Leadership and the New Science | Wheatley |
Leadership by the Book | Blanchard, Hubels, Hodges |
Leadership Challenge | Kouzes, Posner |
Leadership Education | CCL |
Leadership Factor | Kotter |
Leadership for Leaders | NAPA |
Leadership from the Inside Out | Cashman |
Leadership is an Art | Max DePree |
Leadership Jazz | Max Dupree |
Leadership Machine | Lominger |
Leadership Moment | Useem |
Leadership Mystique | DeVries |
Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun | Roberts |
Leadership without Easy Answers | Belnap, Harvard |
Leading Change | John Kotter |
Leading Dispersed Teams | Kossler, Prestridge |
Leading for Innovation | Hesselblein, Goldsmith, Somerville |
Leading Knowledge Management and Learning | Phillips, Bonner |
Leading Minds | Gardiner |
Leading Organizations Through Transition | Deetz, Tracy, Simpson |
Leading People | Rosen |
Leading Quietly | Badracco |
Leading with Authenticity | CCL |
Leading with Soul | Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal |
Leading With the Heart | Krzyzewski |
Leading Without Power | Max DePree |
Learning From Life | CCL |
Learning Organizations | Handy, Kanter, Koffman, Senge |
Learning to Lead | Conger |
Let Your Life Speak | Palmer |
Life and Work | Antry |
Life is More Than Your To Do List | Bedrosian |
Life Makeovers | Richardson |
Listening Effectively | Kline |
Literary Mind | Turner |
Living Big | Grant |
Living Company | de Geus |
Living the 7 Habits: Courage to Change | Stephen R. Covey |
Living Your Best Life | Laura Berman Fortgang |
Love and Profit | James A. Autry |
Title | Author(s) |
Maestro - A Surprising Story About Leading By Listening | Roger Nierenberg |
Magic of Motivation | Katherine Karvelas |
Maintaining Team Performance | CCL, Kim Kanaga, Henry Browning |
Make Today Count | John C. Maxwell |
Making Choices | Peter Kreeft |
Making Common Sense | Ron Moore |
Making Diversity Work | Sondra Thiederman |
Making Managers into Leaders | Ed Oakley, Doug Krug |
Making Mentoring Happen | Kathy Lacey |
Man Who Discovered Quality | Andrea Gabor |
Managers as Mentors | Chip R. Bell |
Managers Communication Handbook | David Cottrell |
Managers Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management | David Dozier |
Managers Short Course | Bil and Cher Holton |
Managing Conflict with Direct Reports | CCL, Barbara Popejoy, Brenda J. McManigle |
Managing Conflict with Your Boss | CCL, Davida Sharpe, Elinor Johnson |
Managing Conflict with Your Peers | CCL, Talula Cartwright |
Managing in a Time of Great Change | Peter Drucker |
Managing Quality Through Teams | Lawrence W. Miller |
Managing Succession and Developing Leadership | Ralph Bledsoe |
Managing the Dream | Warren Bennis |
Managing with Carrots | Chester Elton |
Man's Search for Meaning | Viktor E. Frankl |
Masterful Coaching (w/Participant Workbook) | Hargrove |
Maximizing the Value of 360 Feedback | CCL |
Mentor Leader | Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker |
Mentoring | Crisp |
Mentoring 101 | Maxwell |
Mentoring and Diversity | Thomas Landefeld |
Mentoring for Success | AMI |
Mentoring Millennials | Egeler |
Mentor's Guide | Lois J. Zachary |
Mindful Coach | Silsbe |
Miracles of Mentoring | Dortsch |
Mistakes Were Made (but not by me) | Tavris, Aronsin |
Monday Morning Leadership for Women | Sokolsky |
Monday Morning Leadership | Cottrell |
Monk Who Sold His Ferrari | Sharma |
Moral Issues in Business | Shaw, Berry |
Motivating Today's Employees | Successories Lib |
My Grandfather's Blessings | Remen |
Myths to Live By | Campbell |
Title | Author(s) |
Never Eat Alone | Ferrazzi |
New Leaders | Jossey Bass |
Next Generation Leader | Stanley |
Nine Lives | Cantando, Zuckerman |
No Contest | Kohn |
Now, Discover Your Strengths | Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton |
Nuts n' Bolts Leadership | Dr. Jim Bohn |
Title | Author(s) |
On Becoming a Leader | Warren Bennis |
On Leadership | John W. Gardner |
One day Marketing Plan | Hiebing, Cooper |
Open Space Technology | Owen |
Organizing Genius | Warren Bennis and Patricia Ward Biederman |
Other 90% | Cooper |
Ouch That Stereotype Hurts | Leslie C. Aguilar |
Our Iceberg Is Melting | John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber |
Oz Principle | Connors, Smith, Hickman |
Title | Author(s) |
Paper Airplanes | Michael McMillan |
Paradox of Success | Tarcher, Putnam |
Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow: Navigating Your Changing Role | Laura E. Bernstein |
Performance Factor | MacMillan |
Personal Accountability | Miller |
Perspectives of Family Communication | Turner, West |
Phantom Tollbooth | Juster |
Philosophy Made Simple | Doubleday |
Pizza and the Art of Life Management | Beatty |
Planning and Managing PR Campaigns | Gregory |
Pleasure Prescription | Pearsall |
Portable Coach | Leonard |
Positive Discipline | Harvey, Sioms |
Power and Influence | Kotter |
Power Mentoring | Ensher, Murphy |
Power of Appreciative Inquiry | Whitney, Trostan, Bloom |
Power of Full Engagement | Loehr, Schwartz |
Power of Goals | Karvelas |
Power of Minds at Work | Albrecht |
Power of Partnership | Eisler |
Power of Patience | Ryan |
Power of Personal Storytelling | Maguire |
Power of Purpose | Leider |
Power of Resilience | Brooks, Goldstein |
Power of Serving Others | Morsch, Nelson |
Power Up | Bradford, Cohen |
Power vs. Force | Hawkins |
Practical Coach | Caproni |
Practice What You Preach | Maister |
Presence | Senge, Schumer, Jaworski, Flowers |
Presenting With Pizzazz | Bowman |
Principle Centered Leadership | Stephen Covey |
Productive Workplaces | Weisbord |
Public Relations | Kitchen |
Pulling Together | Murphy |
Title | Author(s) |
Quality is Free | Crosby |
Quality Or Else | Dobyns, Crawford-Mason |
Quality: the Myth, the Magic | Westland |
Title | Author(s) |
Ready for Anything | Allen |
Real People, Real Work | Cheany, Cotter |
Real Power ‐ Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching | Aufry, Mitchell |
Reinvention of Work | Fox |
Renaissance Soul | Lobenstine |
Responsible Restructuring | Cascio |
Responsible Science | National Academy Press |
Results Based Leadership | Ulrich, Zenger, Smallwood |
Retiring the Generation Gap | Deal |
Rule #1 | Successories |
Running with the Giants | Maxwell |
Title | Author(s) |
Safe Place for Dangerous Truths | Simmons |
Servant | Hunter |
Service Within | Albrecht |
Setting Development Goals | CCL |
Setting Priorities | CCL |
Seven Life Lessons of Chaos | Briggs, Peat |
Shapeshifting | Perkins |
Shockproof | Jacobs, Sheridan, Gonzales |
Silos, Politics and Turf Wars | Lencioni |
Simplicity | Thomas |
Simplicity | Jensen |
Simplify Your Work Life | Elaine St. James |
Six Thinking Hats | Edward DeBono |
Slowing Down the Speed of Life | Carlson, Bailey |
Social Animal | Brooks |
Social Intelligence | Goleman |
Soul of Money | Twist |
Speak The Truth and Point to Hope | Lisa J. Marshall |
Speed of Trust | Covey |
Springboard | Denning |
Squawk! How to Stop Making Noise and Start Getting Results | Travis Bradberry |
SQUIRREL Inc. A Fable of Leadership Through Storytelling | Stephen Denning |
Stand Up for Your Life | Cheryl Richardson |
Step Up to Supervisor | Full Court Press |
Stewardship - Choosing Service Over Self-Interest | Peter Block |
Story Factor | Annette Simmons |
Strategy of the Dolphin | Dudley Lynch, Paul L. Kardis |
Strengths Based Leadership | Tom Rath, Barry Conchie |
Succeeding with Teams | Richard S. Wellins, Dick Schaaf, Kathy Harper Shamo |
Successful Coaching Manager | Alan M. Mackintosh |
Successful Nonverbal Communication | Dale G. Leathers |
Super-Leadership | Charles X. Manz, Henry P. Sims, Jr. |
Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership | Joseph Jaworski |
Title | Author(s) |
Take Command - Leadership Lessons From The Civil War | Tom Wheeler |
Take Time For You Life | Cheryl Richardson |
Take Yourself To The Top | Laura Berman Fortgang |
Taking Aim On Leadership | Peter Capezio, Debra Morehouse |
Taking Charge - Making the Right Choices | Perry Smith |
Taming Your Gremlin | Rick Carson |
Tao of Daily Living | John Heider |
Task Force - A Team Planning Exercise | Effective Strategies Inc. |
Team Building - An Exercise in Leadership | Robert Maddax |
Team Handbook | Peter R. Scholtes and Others |
Teamwork | Glenn Parker |
Tempered Radicals - How Everyday Leaders Inspire Change at Work | Debra E. Meyerson |
Terms of Engagement - Changing The Way We Change Organizations | Richard H. Axelrod |
Territorial Games - Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work | Annette Simmons |
The 17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player | John C. Maxwell |
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership | John C. Maxwell |
The 360 Leader | John C. Maxwell |
The 3rd Alternative | Steven R. Covey |
Thinking For A Change | John C. Maxwell |
Time Management In An Instant | Karen Leland, Keith Bailey |
Tipping Point - How Little Thinks Can Make A Big Difference | Malcolm Gladwell |
Tongue Fu! How to Deflect, Disarm and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict | Sam Horn |
Toxic Success | Paul Pearsall, PhD |
Trainers Pocketbook | John Townsend |
Transferring Learning to Behavior | Donald Kirkpatrick, James D. Kirkpatrick |
Transforming Your Leadership Culture | John B. McGuire and Gary B. Rhodes |
Transparency - How Leaders Create A Culture of Candor | Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, James O'Toole with Patricia Ward Biederman |
Truth About Leadership | James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner |
Tuesdays with Morrie - An old man, a young man and life's greatest lesson | Mitch Albom |
Turning Dreams Into Success | Bunny and Larry Holman |
Turning Inward | Cheryl Richardson |
Turning Outsiders Into Insiders - How To Turn Nontraditional Workers Into A Committed Workforce | Frank Sennett |
Turning To One Another | Marquart J. Wheatley |
Title | Author(s) |
Understanding Disability | Jaeger, Bowman |
Understanding Leadership Competencies | Patricia Guggenheimer, Mary Diana Szulc |
Unfolding Meaning | David Bohm |
Up Is Not The Only Way | Beverly L. Kaye |
Using An Art Technique To Facilitate Leadership Development | Cheryl DeCiantis |
Using Your Executive Coach | E. Wayne Hart, Karen Kirkland |
Title | Author(s) |
Versatile Leader | Bob Kaplin, Rob Kaiser |
Title | Author(s) |
Walk The Talk and Get The Results You Want | Eric Harvey and Al Lucia |
What It Took - A History of the USGS EROS Data Center | Rebecca L. Johnson |
When "IT" Happens at Work | Julie M. Smith, PhD |
Who Moved My Cheese | Spencer Johnson M.D. |
Why Teams Don't Work | Robbins, Finley |
Woman's Guide to Savvy Investing | Marsha Bertrand |
Words That Change Minds | Shelle Rose Charvet |
Working In Indian Country | Larry D. Keown |
World Waiting to Be Born | M. Scott Peck, M.D. |
Worlds Most Powerful Leadership Principle | James C. Hunter |
Title | Author(s) |
You Are What You Say | Matthew Budd M.D., Larry Rothstein Ed.D. |
You Can Be Happy No Matter What | Richard Carlson PhD |
Title | Author(s) |
Zapp! The Lightening of Empowerment | William Byham and Jeff Cox |
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