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Central Energy Resources Science Center

The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Central Energy Resources Science Center (CERSC) addresses national and global energy geoscience issues and conducts interdisciplinary research on energy systems.   You can explore the projects that are based here using the 'Science' option to the left.


USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geologic hydrogen in U.S.

USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geologic hydrogen in U.S.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law helps fund new USGS facility at Colorado School of Mines, focused on energy and minerals research

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law helps fund new USGS facility at Colorado School of Mines, focused on energy and minerals research

MEDIA ADVISORY: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brain, Director Applegate to Attend Groundbreaking for USGS Energy and Minerals Research Facility

MEDIA ADVISORY: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brain, Director Applegate to Attend Groundbreaking for USGS Energy and Minerals Research Facility


Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the Zagros Fold Belt of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, 2023

Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean conventional resources of 3.3 billion barrels of oil and 80.3 trillion cubic feet of gas in the Zagros Fold Belt of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.
Christopher J. Schenk, Tracey J. Mercier, Phuong A. Le, Andrea D. Cicero, Ronald M. Drake, Sarah E. Gelman, Jane S. Hearon, Benjamin G. Johnson, Jenny H. Lagesse, Heidi M. Leathers-Miller, Kira K. Timm

Sulfur-to-iron ratio as a proxy for degree of organic sulfurization

The degree of organic sulfurization is broadly relevant yet underreported. We present a statistically significant correlation between whole rock S/Fe and the measured degree of organic sulfurization in the thermally immature Cenomanian–Turonian Eagle Ford Group. This relationship shows a sink switch for sulfur from pyrite to organic matter. Excess iron and excess sulfur relative to...
Katherine L. French, Justin E. Birdwell

Prospectivity mapping for geologic hydrogen

Geologic, or naturally occurring, hydrogen has the potential to become a new, low-carbon, primary energy resource. Often referred to as “white” or “gold” hydrogen, this gas occurs naturally in the Earth’s subsurface, similar to petroleum resources. However, unlike petroleum, which releases carbon dioxide when burned, burning hydrogen only produces water as a byproduct. Exploration for...
Sarah E. Gelman, Jane S. Hearon, Geoffrey S. Ellis
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