Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and the closely related silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (together, the bigheaded carps) and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) are rapidly expanding in numbers and distribution in the Mississippi and Missouri River basins.
The Issue: Like the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellis), which are native to the Missouri River, bigheaded carps are primarily filter feeders. They are capable of filtering particles of a much smaller size from the water than native filter feeders, and therefore may have the capability to out compete native fishes in the filter-feeding niche. They are also known to impact water quality through their feeding, and may feed on early life stages of native fishes.
Black carp are thought to be primarily, possibly even obligatory, molluscivores, though no thorough diet analysis has been performed on wild fish. It is known that with their extremely robust pharyngeal teeth and the very large maximum sizes of individuals (sometimes exceeding 50 kg) they are capable of consuming even very large and hard mussels. North America has the most diverse mussel assemblage in the world, but most of those species are threatened or endangered. The black carp is considered to pose an extreme threat to endangered mussels.
A fourth Asian carp, the grass carp, has been present in the Mississippi River Basin since the 1970s. While it has not been considered to pose as high of a threat as the other Asian carps, grass carp can cause changes in vegetation assemblages or in some cases completely remove vegetation. Northern states along the Mississippi River, where large rivers are not already mostly naturally devoid of vegetation, are most concerned about an increase in the range and abundance of grass carp, and grass carp is considered to be a potential nuisance organism in reservoirs.
Addressing the Issue: CERC scientists combine a variety of techniques, including telemetry, larval fish collection with tows and light traps, electrofishing, netting, acoustic video, environmental DNA collection, stable isotopes in muscle, and stable isotopes and microchemistry of otoliths, and laboratory and pond studies of a variety of types. The Invasive species project's primary goals are:
- Early Detection & Rapid Response - identify and report new invasions and assess risks to natural areas and waters;
- Monitoring - Assess changes in populations and distributions of established invaders;
- Control - Provide approaches to contain, reduce, and eliminate populations of invasive species and restore habitats and native species.
Invasive Carps Photo Galleries

Early Life History of Bighead, Silver, Black, and Grass Carps
Principal Investigators - Duane Chapman and Amy George

Black Carp Biology, Assessment, and Control
Principal Investigators - Patrick Kroboth and Cortney Broaddus
Bigheaded Carp Sampling and Mass Removal Techniques
Principal Investigators - Duane Chapman, Josey Ridgway, Andrew Mueller, and Matthew Acre

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Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Survival and hydrodynamic behavior of grass carp eggs and larvae in relation to turbulence and in-stream obstructions
Diet items consumed by wild-caught black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the U.S.
Black carp and grass carp morphometric measurements
Silver Carp Photo Gallery
Bighead Carp Photo Gallery
Grass Carp Photo Gallery
Black Carp Photo Gallery
Invasive Carps Photo Gallery
Below are publications associated with this project.
Black Carp in North America: A description of range, habitats, time of year, and methods of reported captures
First examination of diet items consumed by wild-caught black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the U.S.
Survival and drifting patterns of grass carp eggs and larvae in response to interactions with flow and sediment in a laboratory flume
Ontogenetic changes in swimming speed of silver carp, bighead carp, and grass carp larvae: implications for larval dispersal
Evidence of Asian carp spawning upstream of a key choke point in the Mississippi River
Comparison of size, terminal fall velocity, and density of bighead carp, silver carp, and grass carp eggs for use in drift modeling
Genetic analysis shows that morphology alone cannot distinguish asian carp eggs from those of other cyprinid species
Effects of sediment burial on grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes,1844), eggs
Embryonic and larval development and early behavior in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella: implications for recruitment in rivers
Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and the closely related silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (together, the bigheaded carps) and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) are rapidly expanding in numbers and distribution in the Mississippi and Missouri River basins.
The Issue: Like the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellis), which are native to the Missouri River, bigheaded carps are primarily filter feeders. They are capable of filtering particles of a much smaller size from the water than native filter feeders, and therefore may have the capability to out compete native fishes in the filter-feeding niche. They are also known to impact water quality through their feeding, and may feed on early life stages of native fishes.
Black carp are thought to be primarily, possibly even obligatory, molluscivores, though no thorough diet analysis has been performed on wild fish. It is known that with their extremely robust pharyngeal teeth and the very large maximum sizes of individuals (sometimes exceeding 50 kg) they are capable of consuming even very large and hard mussels. North America has the most diverse mussel assemblage in the world, but most of those species are threatened or endangered. The black carp is considered to pose an extreme threat to endangered mussels.
A fourth Asian carp, the grass carp, has been present in the Mississippi River Basin since the 1970s. While it has not been considered to pose as high of a threat as the other Asian carps, grass carp can cause changes in vegetation assemblages or in some cases completely remove vegetation. Northern states along the Mississippi River, where large rivers are not already mostly naturally devoid of vegetation, are most concerned about an increase in the range and abundance of grass carp, and grass carp is considered to be a potential nuisance organism in reservoirs.
Addressing the Issue: CERC scientists combine a variety of techniques, including telemetry, larval fish collection with tows and light traps, electrofishing, netting, acoustic video, environmental DNA collection, stable isotopes in muscle, and stable isotopes and microchemistry of otoliths, and laboratory and pond studies of a variety of types. The Invasive species project's primary goals are:
- Early Detection & Rapid Response - identify and report new invasions and assess risks to natural areas and waters;
- Monitoring - Assess changes in populations and distributions of established invaders;
- Control - Provide approaches to contain, reduce, and eliminate populations of invasive species and restore habitats and native species.
Invasive Carps Photo Galleries

Early Life History of Bighead, Silver, Black, and Grass Carps
Principal Investigators - Duane Chapman and Amy George

Black Carp Biology, Assessment, and Control
Principal Investigators - Patrick Kroboth and Cortney Broaddus
Bigheaded Carp Sampling and Mass Removal Techniques
Principal Investigators - Duane Chapman, Josey Ridgway, Andrew Mueller, and Matthew Acre

Return to Invasive Species Ecology
Return to River Studies
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Survival and hydrodynamic behavior of grass carp eggs and larvae in relation to turbulence and in-stream obstructions
Diet items consumed by wild-caught black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the U.S.
Black carp and grass carp morphometric measurements
Silver Carp Photo Gallery
Bighead Carp Photo Gallery
Grass Carp Photo Gallery
Black Carp Photo Gallery
Invasive Carps Photo Gallery
Below are publications associated with this project.