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Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center

Scientists within the GEMSC represent a breadth of programs focused on the USGS mission; Energy Resources Program, Mineral Resources Program, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, and Environmental Health Programs. GEMSC conducts comprehensive, interdisciplinary research and surveys of the origin, occurrence, distribution, quantity, and composition of oil, gas, coal, minerals, and more.


Trash to Treasure: Could energy wastewaters be a viable source of lithium?

Trash to Treasure: Could energy wastewaters be a viable source of lithium?

GEMSC Quarterly Newsletter: Recent Issue and Archive

GEMSC Quarterly Newsletter: Recent Issue and Archive

Illegal Oil and Gas Wastewater Dumps Disrupt Foundations of Fragile Desert Ecosystems

Illegal Oil and Gas Wastewater Dumps Disrupt Foundations of Fragile Desert Ecosystems


Chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska: Exploring paleoceanographic controls on trace element enrichment, organic matter accumulation, and source-rock evolution

We document chemostratigraphy in an outcrop of late Albian to early Campanian (∼103–82 Ma) marine source rocks to better understand paleoenvironmental controls on trace element (TE) enrichment and organic matter accumulation in the distal Colville foreland basin of Arctic Alaska and how those drivers are linked to arc volcanism and successions of Cretaceous oceanographic and climatic...
Palma J. Botterell, Margaret M. Sanders, David W. Houseknecht, Richard O. Lease, William A. Rouse, Katherine J. Whidden, Julie A. Dumoulin, Rebecca A. Smith, Christina A. DeVera, Brett J. Valentine

Integrating Sr isotopes, microchemistry, and genetics to reconstruct Salmonidae species and life history

Recent approaches to fisheries research emphasize the importance of the coproduction of knowledge in building resilient and culturally mindful fisheries management frameworks. Despite widespread recognition of the need for Indigenous knowledge and historical reference points as baseline data, archaeological data are rarely included in conservation biology research designs. Here we...
Ross Anthony Salerno, Remi Murdoch, Taylor Wilcox, Joanna Elmore, Jens Hegg, Catherine S Austin, Michael LeMoine, Jade Luckhurst, Alexandra Fraik, Molly Carney

Lithium resource in the Smackover Formation brines of Southern Arkansas

Lithium-rich brine deposits occur throughout the United States, including in the Smackover Formation. The concentration of lithium in Smackover Formation brines was predicted across southern Arkansas by using a machine-learning model that incorporated lithium concentration data and geologic information. Between 5.1 and 19.0 million metric tons of lithium are calculated to be present in...
Katherine J. Knierim, Andrew L. Masterson, Philip A. Freeman, Bonnie McDevitt, Amanda H. Herzberg, Peng Li, Ciara Mills, Colin Doolan, Aaron M. Jubb, Scott M. Ausbrooks, Jessica Chenault
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