GEMSC Quarterly Newsletter: Recent Issue and Archive
The USGS Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center Quarterly Newsletter highlights the science that we are conducting within our Center on energy and mineral resources and environmental issues. The newsletter provides a platform for connecting with stakeholders, advertising open career and volunteer positions within the GEMSC, and to announce potential research funding or collaborations.
Listed below is both the most recent issue to date of the GEMSC Front&Center! quarterly newsletter and a chronological archive of past newsletter issues. We value feedback from stakeholders and readers - please feel free to reach out directly to Evan Bargnesi with any comments, questions, subscription requests, or ideas:
Issue #13 - Quarter 1 (Winter) *Current Issue
Issue #12 - Quarter 4 (Fall)
Issue #11 - Quarter 3 (Summer)
Issue #10 - Quarter 2 (Spring)
Issue #9 - Quarter 1 (Winter)
Issue #8 - Quarter 4 (Fall)
Issue #7 - Quarter 3 (Summer)
Issue #6 - Quarter 2 (Spring)
Issue #5 - Quarter 1 (Winter)
Issue #4 - Quarter 4 (Fall)
Issue #3 - Quarter 3 (Summer)
Issue #2 - Quarter 2 (Spring)
Issue #1 - Quarter 1 (Winter)
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