Analytical Methods
Analytical Methods
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Analytical Capabilities, Sample Requirements, and Instrumentation
OGRL works independently or collaboratively to pair fate and transport with biological experiments and effects. OGRL has three main focuses: 1. Development and modification of robust analytical methods needed for analysis of compounds in multiple matrices to address relevant environmental health issues. 2. Conduct independent and collaborative lab to national based studies to provide new knowledge...
OGRL Algal Toxins Methods of Analysis
Algal toxins are a group of toxic compounds produced by a range of photosynthetic freshwater and marine plankton. These toxins have the ability to cause sickness in animals and humans and in severe cases lead to death. OGRL has the ability to evaluate and conduct occurrence, fate, transport, effects, and treatability studies methods.
Glyphosate, AMPA, and Glufosinate Method of Analysis: OGRL LCGY
Glyphosate and glufosinate are herbicides used for weed and vegetation control. AMPA, aminomethylphosphonic acid, is a degradation product of glyphosate. Since the introduction of glyphosate resistant (round-up ready) corn and soybeans glyphosate has become the most widely used herbicide in the world.
Antibiotic Methods of Analysis: OGRL LCAB
Antibiotics are used for human health and livestock management and health. The increase of antibiotic resistant infections has resulted in concern that sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics for weight gain in livestock and the release of low levels of antibiotics into surface and groundwater from urban and agricultural sources may be contributing to this problem.
Parents and Degradation Products of Analysis: OGRL LCEA
Triazines and phenylureas are commonly used herbicides for controlling weeds in row crops. These herbicides and their degradation products have been found in samples collected from surface water, groundwater, and precipitation throughout the United States. Atrazine until recently was the most widely applied herbicide in the U.S. and is still a widely applied preplanting corn herbicide.
Acetamide Parents and Degradation Products of Analysis: OGRL LCPD
Acetamide herbicides are used to control weeds in row crops such as corn and soybeans. Acetamide herbicides and their degradates are common contaminants in surface and groundwater. Some of the widely detected acid degradates are on the USEPA contaminant candidate list (CCL).
OGRL Enzyme Linked-Imunnosorbent Assay Methods of Analysis
Immunoassays are rapid screening techinques that can be used to provide data on a specific compound or class of compunds on a large number of samples. We have used these methods to conduct large scale reconnaissance studies of atrazine in rainfall and cyanobacterial toxins in the USEPA national lake and reservoir reconnaissance study.