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Western Ecological Research Center (WERC)

The Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) is a USGS Ecosystems Mission Area operation serving primarily California and Nevada. WERC scientists work closely with Federal, State, academic, and other collaborators to address a diverse array of high-profile topics. Topics include research on effects of wildfire, sea level rise, drought, energy development and more on federal Trust species.


RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Predicting the Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Using Animal Movement Data

RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Predicting the Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Using Animal Movement Data

Benthic Invertebrate Response to Estuarine Marsh Restoration at the Nisqually River Delta

Benthic Invertebrate Response to Estuarine Marsh Restoration at the Nisqually River Delta

USGS Firelight: PHIRE Edition - Vol. 2 | Issue 2


Learning from a high-severity fire event—Conditions following the 2018 Carr Fire at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

The 2018 Carr Fire burned more than 90 percent of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, with much of the park burning at high severity. California yellow pine and mixed conifer forests are not well adapted to large, high-severity fires, and forest recovery after these events may be problematic. Large, high-severity fire patches pose difficulties for recruitment with interiors that are long distanc
Phillip J. van Mantgem, Micah C. Wright, Karen M. Thorne, Jill Beckmann, Kevin Buffington, Lyndsay L. Rankin, Audrey Colley, Eamon A. Engber

Occupancy dynamics of the California Gnatcatcher in southern California

Executive SummaryThe Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica: “gnatcatcher”) is a resident species restricted to coastal sage scrub habitat in southern California. Listed as federally threatened, the gnatcatcher is subject to multiple threats, including habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation, particularly in association with the increasing frequency of large wildfi
Barbara E. Kus, Alexandra Houston, Kristine L. Preston

Distribution, abundance, and breeding activities of the Least Bell's Vireo at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California—2022 annual report

Executive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to provide the Marine Corps with an annual summary of abundance, breeding activity, demography, and habitat use of endangered Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP or “Base”). Surveys for the Least Bell's Vireo were completed at MCBCP, California, between April 4 and July 12, 2022. Core survey areas and
Suellen Lynn, Michelle Treadwell, Barbara E. Kus


Reptile and Amphibian Road Ecology

USGS is working with many partners to help reptiles, amphibians and other animals cross roads safely, improving access to essential habitat.

Reptile and Amphibian Road Ecology

USGS is working with many partners to help reptiles, amphibians and other animals cross roads safely, improving access to essential habitat.
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Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change: Identifying Climate Change Induced Mass Mortality Events Across Large Landscapes of the United States

USGS researchers will characterize extreme climatic events across U.S. following a review of case studies of mass mortality events associated with climate extremes including drought, precipitation, freeze, heat waves, and storm events.

Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change: Identifying Climate Change Induced Mass Mortality Events Across Large Landscapes of the United States

USGS researchers will characterize extreme climatic events across U.S. following a review of case studies of mass mortality events associated with climate extremes including drought, precipitation, freeze, heat waves, and storm events.
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Estimating Methylmercury Injury to Birds—“The Bird Mercury Tool”

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists have developed a tool that can be used by practitioners to help interpret injury to birds caused by methylmercury contamination. This tool was developed from a comprehensive review of 168 studies and summarizing data on the effects of methylmercury on birds.

Estimating Methylmercury Injury to Birds—“The Bird Mercury Tool”

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists have developed a tool that can be used by practitioners to help interpret injury to birds caused by methylmercury contamination. This tool was developed from a comprehensive review of 168 studies and summarizing data on the effects of methylmercury on birds.
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