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February 25, 2022

Go for a 'stroll'  as you scroll through the USGS AAG 2022 Virtual Conference Booth for the AAG 2022 Annual Meeting, Friday, February 25, 2022 - March 1, 2022. It's virtual this year! Since no one is staffing a physical booth, if you have any questions, then please feel free to Contact Us. 


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Mapping and Remote Sensing   |   Landsat   |   Land Change, Data Preservation, and More  |   Interactive Maps   |      Ecosystems   |   Education and More   |   Multimedia   |   Publications




Mapping and Remote Sensing

"Our Changing North American Continent"



The National Geologic Map Database banner

Check out the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP)

The Program is the primary source of funds for the production of geologic maps in the United States and provides accurate geologic maps and three-dimensional framework models that help to sustain and improve the quality of life and economic vitality of the Nation and to mitigate natural hazards.

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STATEMAP Factsheet, NGMD Logo, and EDMAP Factsheet









NGP Logo
Check out the National Geospatial Program (NGP)

The mission of the National Geospatial Program is to provide National topographic information to advance science, support government, enlighten citizens, and enable decision making. The NGP provides a foundation of digital geospatial data representing the topography, natural landscape, and manmade environment of the United States. Accessible through The National Map Data Download, customers can incorporate NGP geospatial products and services into their decision-making and operational activities.

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Tennessee River on 2016 US Topo
Check out the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC)

The USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) provides leadership and world-class technical expertise in the acquisition and management of trusted geospatial data, services, and map products for the Nation. NGTOC supports The National Map as part of the National Geospatial Program (NGP). 

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FGDC logo










Enhanced Landsat 8 Image of Western Australia
Check out The National Land Imaging (NLI) Program

Our Nation’s economic security and environmental vitality rely on continuous monitoring of the Earth’s continents, islands, and coastal regions in order to record, study, and understand land change at local, regional, and global scales. The USGS National Land Imaging (NLI) Program helps meet this need. This image is a portion of the first Landsat 8 scene acquired May 12, 2013, in Western Australia. The resulting image displays impressive sediment and nutrient patterns in the tropical estuary area, and the complex patterns and conditions in the vegetated areas. 

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Artist's rendition of Landsat 9
Check out Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center

At the USGS EROS Center, we study land change and produce land change data products used by researchers, resource managers, and policy makers across the nation and around the world. We also operate the Landsat satellite program with NASA and maintain the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface in existence, including tens of millions of satellite images. 

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"Our Changing North American Continent"





Landsat 9
Landsat 9 Ready to Launch


















Screenshot from Landsat and Machine Learning video
Economic Valuation of Landsat imagery

Screenshot from "Using Landsat and Machine Learning to Map Urban Change"

















Video Transcript
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Land Change, Data Preservation, and More

"Our Changing North American Continent"



The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
Check out our Land Change Science Program

Changes in the environment, land use, and climate can have significant impacts on our Nation’s economy, natural resources, infrastructure, and water, food, and energy security. To strengthen our Nation’s ability to respond and adapt to these stressors, the USGS Land Change Science Program conducts research to improve understanding of rates, causes, and consequences of climate and land-use change.

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Slabbed drill core on display
Check out our National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) to preserve and expose the Nation’s geoscience collections (samples, logs, maps, data) to promote their discovery and use for research and resource development. The National Digital Catalog describes geoscience collections managed by USGS and state geological agencies.

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Compiled image shows an old dated computer as well as pieces of the newer YETI supercomputer operated by the USGS ARC group.
Check out our Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program

We emphasize a science data lifecycle approach to Earth systems data and information. We strive to accelerate research and decision-making through data science, information delivery, advanced computing, and biodiversity analytics.

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Click on image for full description.

















2021 JWP Working group banner image
Check out the  John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

We serve as a catalyst for innovative thinking in Earth system science research by providing the time, creative space, and computational, data manipulation, and data management resources to promote the synthesis of existing information leading to emergent Earth System science knowledge. 

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USGS Library

Check out the USGS Library

Authorized by Congress in 1879, the U.S Geological Survey Library is recognized as one of the world’s largest Earth and natural science libraries, providing services, collections, and expertise essential to the USGS mission.

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Interactive Maps

"Our Changing North American Continent"


screengrab of the interactive map

Interactive Map of Jezero Crater, Mars, the Perseverance Rover Landing Site

This effort represents the first, large-scale, continuous geologic map spanning both Jezero crater and Nili Planum using high-resolution images.

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Phytoplankton populations in estuaries such as San Francisco Bay, California, are influenced by a host of local stresses

Mapping Phytoplankton and Nutrient Abundance in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta

Phytoplankton populations in estuaries such as San Francisco Bay, California is influenced by a host of local stresses that mask plankton responses to global climate change.

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Lassen Peak viewed from the south at the summit of Brokeoff Volcano...

California's Exposure to Volcanic Hazards

Photograph of Lassen Peak viewed from the south at the summit of Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic National Park.

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Woman looks through a spotting scope at the ocean

Check out the Bay-Delta Regional Monitoring Program

We provide nutrient parameter maps, difference maps, water quality parameter maps, spatial changes in nutrients, phytoplankton maps, and more. 

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mud on road and driveway, and piled up against a garage

Bond Fire Debris Flows, California  (Jan. 25 - 28, 2021)

Our post-fire debris-flow hazard assessment model returns estimates of likelihood, volume, and relative combined hazard in response to design storms with 15-minute (min) rainfall intensities ranging from 12 to 40 millimeters per hour (mm/h) in 4 mm increments.

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Please click on image for full description and image details.

The 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake

USGS Response and Findings after the M6.4 on July 4 and M7.1 on July 6, 2019, in Searles Valley, Southern California.

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Walker Basin, Nevada. Photo by Mark Gamba, courtesy of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Walker Basin Hydro Interactive Mapper

The Walker Basin Hydro Mapper provides a basin-wide perspective of real-time streamflow and stage as well as lake and reservoir storage capacity for the Walker River Basin in Nevada and California.

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USGS employee collects data for the Lake Tahoe Nearshore Nutrient Source Identification Project.

Lake Tahoe Basin Science 

For decades, USGS has been a leader in a wide range of scientific research and monitoring activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Through this research, significant advances in understanding have been made about how sediment and nutrient sources affect water quality in the lake.

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"Our Changing North American Continent"








infographic displaying economic statistics of various characteristics and challenges in ecosystems science.
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Map of North America showing locations where chronic wasting disease has been detected.

Chronic Wasting Disease Research by the USGS & Partners

The map above is the distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America, updated on February 24, 2021.

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Map of the United States with red dots indicating the geographic position of all USGS Alert Risk Maps created

USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Releases 500+ Alert Risk Maps

USGS Alert Risk Maps (ARMs) display lakes, the river reaches, and other water bodies potentially at risk of invasion by a new non-native species. The ARMs span the conterminous U.S.

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Mule deer in a field

New Maps Document Big-Game Migrations Across the Western United States

For the first time, state and federal wildlife biologists have come together to map the migrations of ungulates – hooved mammals such as mule deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, and bison – across America’s West. The maps will help land managers and conservationists pinpoint actions necessary to keep migration routes open and functional to sustain healthy big-game populations.

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Education and More

"Our Changing North American Continent"




Upper image is geologic map of US. Lower image is a map of the moon.
The top half shows an estuary, the bottom half shows a salamander head (USGS photos)
Photo carousel of Energy and Minerals Mission Area
The upper half of this image shows a house flooding, the lower half shows fire (USGS photos).
Upper image is blue water. Lower image is a cropped image of a USGS scientists at a moving stream.

Check out all Internships and Employment Opportunities

The Youth and Education in Science team and the Human Resources team have created this space to share resources with people attending virtual meetings this fall and wanting to learn more about opportunities at USGS. 

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Check out Resources for Teachers

On the left, an example of a lidar image created from the “point cloud” that shows objects’ reflectivity near the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and the mouth of the San Lorenzo River. On right, a digital still image overlaid onto the lidar “point cloud” data gives it a realistic 3D look. Download or purchase USGS maps and satellite imagery, geologic maps, land use, map-teaching resources, map tools, online maps of the US, thematic maps, topographic maps, and more. 

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Topo salad tray model

Check out How to Construct a 3D Topographic Map

Objective: Students will be able to visualize a 2D map as a 3D feature understand why topographic lines never intersect interpret the shape of topographic features.

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image related to volcanoes. See description

Check out Topographic Map Resources for Teachers

This directory level site includes links to various resources on topographic maps, how to obtain them, read them, their history, and map projections and includes links to various teaching activities and modules. It is the one-stop-shop for learning about, using, and teaching topographic map concepts.

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Jezero crater coloring activity

Coloring activity: Explore Jezero Crater with the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover

On February 18, 2021, the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover will land in the Jezero crater and begin its search for signs of previous life on Mars. You can help the Perseverance rover explore its new home with the Jezero crater coloring activity!

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