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Gridded gravity, magnetic, and pseudogravity data of the Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada

November 4, 2024

This data release presents gridded data associated with the geologic and geophysical maps of the Sierra Nevada Digital Earth Science Atlas led by the California Geological Survey and U.S. Geological Survey.  Grids are provided in ASCII and geotiff formats.  Complete Bouguer and isostatic gravity data were gridded from nearly 29,000 gravity measurements  to provide information on crustal structure, such as depth extent of plutons and arc terranes, and geometry of Cenozoic basins developed along the margins of the Sierra Nevada.  Data from 57 regional aeromagnetic surveys were merged and gridded to provide information on the magnetic properties of the crust.  In addition, these data were transformed to pseudogravity anomalies, which highlight voluminous or thick magnetic sources.  The magnetic and pseudodgravity data in particular aid in delineating mafic and ultramafic rocks as well as structures that may be conducive to mineral resources, such as faults, shear zones, and hydrothermal alteration

Publication Year 2024
Title Gridded gravity, magnetic, and pseudogravity data of the Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada
DOI 10.5066/P1PBAEKP
Authors Victoria E Langenheim
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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