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Survival Data for Translocated Adults and Captive-Reared Juvenile Giant Gartersnakes in Sacramento County, California (2018-2021)

February 14, 2023
The dataset consists of two csv files one for adult snakes and one for captive-reared juvenile snakes. The data contains start times (when snakes entered the study) and end times (when snakes died or were censored from the study) for survival analysis. The data also contains general information about the individual snakes (id, snout-vent length, treatment group, whether or not they were translocated), sex (juveniles only since adults were all female), surface activity (and data needed to calculate surface activity), and average distance moved between telemetry resighting. The above information was used as covariates in the survival models. These data support the following publication: Nguyen, A.M., Todd, B.D. and Halstead, B.J., 2023. Survival and establishment of captive-reared and translocated giant gartersnakes after release. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 87(3), p.e22374.
Publication Year 2023
Title Survival Data for Translocated Adults and Captive-Reared Juvenile Giant Gartersnakes in Sacramento County, California (2018-2021)
DOI 10.5066/P9KVX596
Authors Allison M Essert, Brian D Todd, Brian J Halstead
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Western Ecological Research Center - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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