Examples of sandbar height in the lower Platte River, NE
Understanding Sandbar Dynamics in the Lower Platte River
Among the various habitat types within a river corridor, sandbars are highly dynamic and quite sensitive to changes such as channel width, streamflow, and riparian woodland expansion. As people, infrastructure, and other factors encroach upon the Lower Platte River, we are exploring variation in the height and area of sandbars to better accommodate all of these uses without jeopardizing these...
Understanding Sandbar Dynamics in the Lower Platte River
Among the various habitat types within a river corridor, sandbars are highly dynamic and quite sensitive to changes such as channel width, streamflow, and riparian woodland expansion. As people, infrastructure, and other factors encroach upon the Lower Platte River, we are exploring variation in the height and area of sandbars to better accommodate all of these uses without jeopardizing these...