Extracting a sediment sample from a coring device
By Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
2020 (approx.)
Detailed Description
Scientists extract a core of sediment from a coring device.
Public Domain.
Timing of iceberg scours and massive ice-rafting events in the subtropical North Atlantic
High resolution seafloor mapping shows extraordinary evidence that massive (>300 m thick) icebergs once drifted >5,000 km south along the eastern United States, with >700 iceberg scours now identified south of Cape Hatteras. Here we report on sediment cores collected from several buried scours that show multiple plow marks align with Heinrich Event 3 (H3), ~31,000 years ago. Numerical...
Alan Condron, Jenna C. Hill
Timing of iceberg scours and massive ice-rafting events in the subtropical North Atlantic
High resolution seafloor mapping shows extraordinary evidence that massive (>300 m thick) icebergs once drifted >5,000 km south along the eastern United States, with >700 iceberg scours now identified south of Cape Hatteras. Here we report on sediment cores collected from several buried scours that show multiple plow marks align with Heinrich Event 3 (H3), ~31,000 years ago. Numerical...
Alan Condron, Jenna C. Hill