Usability Testing for the National Seismic Hazard Maps
Social scientists Dr. Christina Zarcadoolas and graduate student Wendy Vaughon of How to Health Literacy (H2HL) submitted a final report to the National Seismic Hazard Model Project (NSHMP), "NSHM Product Usability Testing - Public Map and Web Content". This report presents results and recommendations from a study conducted in fall 2015 with emergency managers and local officials around the nation. Some of the participants had familiarity with earthquake hazard through long careers, while others were new to the hazard because of induced seismicity. This study is the first deliverable in a 4-module contract, funded by SAFRR to improve the understanding and use of certain USGS hazard products (automated aftershock forecasts and the Flood Inundation Maps are upcoming contract modules). For this contract module, in addition to this report, H2HL will provide feedback on an upcoming NSHMP fact sheet and develop on-line tutorial materials for USGS scientists who want to learn how to conduct such usability tests themselves.
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