Calculate Streamflow Depletion by Nearby Pumping Well
This web site provides links relevant to the computer program STRMDEPL08. This program evaluates analytical solutions estimating streamflow depletion by a pumping well. STRMDEPL, a computer program using two analytical solutions to calculate streamflow depletion by a nearby pumping well was extended to account for two additional analytical solutions. The extended program is named STRMDEPL08. The original program evaluated the solutions for a stream that fully penetrates the aquifer with and without streambed resistance to ground-water flow. The modified program evaluates solutions for a partially penetrating stream with streambed resistance and for a stream in an aquitard subjected to pumping from an underlying leaky aquifer. The code also was modified to allow the user to input pumping variations at other than 1-day intervals.
STRMDEPL08 Downloads
Background Literature
Documentation of STRMDEPL08:
Reeves, H.W., 2008, STRMDEPL08—An Extended Version of STRMDEPL with Additional Analytical Solutions to Calculate Streamflow Depletion by Nearby Pumping Wells: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1166, 22 p.
Original documentation for STRMDEPL, see Appendix A of the following report:
Barlow, P.M., 2000, Documentation of computer program STRMDEPL—A program to calculate streamflow depletion by wells using analytical solutions, in Zarriello, P.J., and Ries, K.G., III, A Precipitation Runoff Model for Analysis of the Effects of Water Withdrawals on Streamflow, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 00–4029, p. 77–89.
USGS Water Resources Applications Software
Support and Point of Contact
Support is provided for correcting bugs and clarification of how the code is intended to work. Only limited assistance can be provided for applying STRMDEPL08 to specific problems. For support or comments regarding this site contact: Howard Reeves ( or Paul Barlow (
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