Office of Science Quality and Integrity
The Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI) preserves and protects the long tradition of objective, unbiased USGS science in service to the Nation.
OSQI champions scientific excellence, non-advocacy, and quality through the peer review and approval of thousands of USGS publications each year. OSQI serves the public through the development of strong practices and oversight, including in the areas of Science Quality, Scientific Integrity, Tribal Relations, Evaluations of Research Scientists, Fundamental Science Practices, and more.
OSQI enhances USGS science by engaging the next generation of scientists and science support staff. The office also provides retired USGS scientists and technical experts the opportunity to remain active in the science community, enhance the programmatic activities of the USGS, and serve the public.
Youth and Education in Science
Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program
OSQI programs uphold the Bureau’s scientific reputation and Fundamental Science Practices, and underscore its mandate to provide reliable science to address pressing societal issues. The office provides monitoring and oversight of internal and external review of USGS science programs and supports administration of internal award and participation in external award programs.
Research and Equipment Development Grade Evaluation
OSQI helps to ensure that employees adhere to professional values and practices when conducting and applying the results of science and scholarship. OSQI also coordinates with Native American governments and organizations to facilitate access to, and collaborate on, USGS scientific research that can help support tribal natural resource management.