New Intern from Sweden Assisting USGS Staff in Florida
The USGS works cooperatively through the National Park Service International Volunteers in Parks (IVIP) Program to facilitate international student exchange in National Parks.
by Gordon Anderson, Karen Balentine, and Tom Smith
A new intern from Sweden, Marie Andersson, is assisting Gordon Anderson and Karen Balentine with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Southeast Ecological Science Center (SESC) Dynamics of Land Margin Ecosystems project led by Thomas J. Smith III. Andersson is based at the Daniel Beard Center in Everglades National Park. The USGS works cooperatively through the National Park Service International Volunteers in Parks (IVIP) Program to facilitate international student exchange in National Parks. Andersson recently received her Master's degree in Ecology and the Environment from Linköping University, Sweden; her thesis is titled "Oak (Quercus robur L.) Mortality in Southeastern Sweden: Influence of Weather and Environmental Variables." During Andersson's 5-month stay, she will primarily be studying mangrove ecology.
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