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Cooperative Research Units

Established in 1935 at Iowa State University, our mission is our hallmark: work with University students to develop the conservation workforce, help decision-makers make complex conservation decisions, and to provide technical assistance between natural resource agencies and universities. We support 43 units located in 41 States, at 44 host universities. Our Program Office is in Reston, Virginia.


USGS EcoNews | Fall 2024 - Vol. 5 | Issue 4

Predicting Wildlife and Plant Responses to Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest

Predicting Wildlife and Plant Responses to Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest

USGS mapping of western mule deer migration featured in new global atlas

USGS mapping of western mule deer migration featured in new global atlas


Determining the effects of reduced water availability on seed germination of five bottomland hardwood tree species

Globally, floodplain forests are experiencing shifts in species composition associated with drier conditions and disruptions of flood pulse hydrology. The specific processes behind these shifts in composition are not fully understood, but differential effects of drought on regeneration processes such as seed germination may be partially responsible. To determine how reduced water...
Charles J. Pell, Sammy L. King, Tracy S. Hawkins, Matt Symmank

Reproductive contribution of lake sturgeon transferred upstream of dams on a Great Lakes tributary

Dam construction contributes to declines in the distribution and abundance of many fishes. Increasing connectivity through adult transfer can be demographically and genetically beneficial, but assessing the effects resulting from transfer can be difficult if resident fish exist upstream. Genotypes of adult and larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) were used to quantify...
Patrick S. Forsythe, Nicholas M. Sard, Stefan Tucker, Lexi Atler, Jeannette Kanefsky, Jennifer Johnson, Daniel A. Isermann, Robert F. Elliott, Michael Donofrio, Kim T. Scribner

Optimization of wetland environmental DNA metabarcoding protocols for Great Lakes region herpetofauna

Many species of reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna) rely on wetlands that are being degraded and lost at a high rate. Characterization of herpetofauna diversity in different wetland types may help guide conservation strategies. However, traditional survey methods often involve sampling within small temporal windows, and the gear deployed may be taxonomically biased, thus, they may...
Olivia M. Ruppert, Jared Joseph Homola, Jeannette Kanefsky, Alyssa Swinehart, Kim T. Scribner, John D. Robinson


Corridor Mapping Team: Ungulate Migrations of the West

Advancing the conservation and understanding of Wyoming's migratory hooved animals (mule deer, elk, pronghorn, etc.). The Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is led by USGS federal researchers. The Wyoming Migration Initiative is a University of Wyoming’s Zoology and Physiology Department-based collaborative of biologists, photographers, mapmakers, and writers working to research...

Corridor Mapping Team: Ungulate Migrations of the West

Advancing the conservation and understanding of Wyoming's migratory hooved animals (mule deer, elk, pronghorn, etc.). The Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is led by USGS federal researchers. The Wyoming Migration Initiative is a University of Wyoming’s Zoology and Physiology Department-based collaborative of biologists, photographers, mapmakers, and writers working to research...
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USGS at the 2025 Philadelphia Flower Show

USGS returns to the Philadelphia Flower Show in 2025 with an exhibit themed around bees, birds and blooms. We hope to see you in March!

USGS at the 2025 Philadelphia Flower Show

USGS returns to the Philadelphia Flower Show in 2025 with an exhibit themed around bees, birds and blooms. We hope to see you in March!
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Tribal Engagement

In the Department of Interior’s initiative, Vision for the Future, is an objective to support Tribal Nations. U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists, staff, and students support Tribal Nations through collaborative research, technical assistance, and graduate student training. Units are collaborating with First Nations to solve natural resource problems...

Tribal Engagement

In the Department of Interior’s initiative, Vision for the Future, is an objective to support Tribal Nations. U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists, staff, and students support Tribal Nations through collaborative research, technical assistance, and graduate student training. Units are collaborating with First Nations to solve natural resource problems...
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infographic displaying economic statistics of various characteristics and challenges in ecosystems science.
Discover Ecosystems
Discover Ecosystems
infographic displaying economic statistics of various characteristics and challenges in ecosystems science.
Discover Ecosystems
Discover Ecosystems
Sharptooth walking catfish
Sharptooth walking catfish
Sharptooth walking catfish
Graduate student catching two white sturgeon
Graduate student catches two white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), Snake River, Idaho.
Graduate student catches two white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), Snake River, Idaho.
Shoal bass
Shoal bass
Shoal bass
Two students survey birds
Two students survey birds
Two students survey birds
Smallmouth bass
Smallmouth bass in the Peshtigo River, Wisconsin
Smallmouth bass in the Peshtigo River, Wisconsin
Graduate student working on a fox sampling project in Washington
Graduate student working on a fox sampling project in Washington
Graduate student working on a fox sampling project in Washington
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