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Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee (SESAC)

The Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee (SESAC) was created in 2002 by legislation reauthorizing the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). The SESAC meets several times each year, and provides advice and direction to the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. The committee's membership and procedures are compliant with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).


  • Dr. Michael Hamburger (Chair)
    Indiana University
  • Dr. Gavin Hayes, Designated Federal Official (DFO)
    Senior Science Advisor for Earthquake and Geologic Hazards
    and Coordinator, Earthquake Hazards Program
    USGS, Golden, Colorado
  • Dr. Maureen Long
    Yale University
  • Dr. Timothy Melbourne
    Central Washington University
  • Dr. Anne Meltzer
    Lehigh University
  • Dr. Aaron Velasco
    University of Texas, El Paso
  • Dr Michael Oskin
    University of California, Davis

SESAC Reports

SESAC Meetings

Beginning in September 2024, the SESAC has a monthly meeting scheduled on the fourth Friday of the month from 2-4p ET.
The monthly SESAC meeting on 01/24, 2-4p ET, is canceled.
November 14 (9a-5:30p PT), November 15 (9a-1:00p PT) Minutes

The Committee met virtually and reviewed the current activities of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) and discussed future priorities.  Topics included: EHP strategic planning; science center accomplishments and challenges; SESAC annual report response; budget opportunities; balance of activities supported by the EHP; External Grants; NEHRP; National Seismic Hazard Model; ANSS; ShakeAlert; NEPEC; reports from SESAC sub-committees; and Hazard Ready Nation, a new NHMA initiative. 

May 16 (11a-1p ET, 2p-4p ET), May 17 (11a-1p ET, 2p-4p ET) Minutes
The Committee met virtually and reviewed the current activities of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) and discussed future priorities.  Topics included: EHP strategic planning; science center accomplishments and challenges; Administration priorities and interactions; budget opportunities; balance of activities supported by the EHP; External Grants; NEHRP; National Seismic Hazard Model; ANSS; ShakeAlert; reports from SESAC sub-committees. The committee also met with the USGS Director, and began preparing their annual report.

November 16 (10:30a-7:30p ET), November 17 (10:30a-3p ET), Minutes

May 11 (11a-1p ET, 3p-4p ET), May 15 (12p-2p ET), May 17 (12p-2p ET), Minutes 
The Committee met virtually and reviewed the current activities of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) and discussed future priorities.  Topics included: EHP strategic planning; Administration priorities and interactions; budget opportunities; balance of activities supported by the EHP; External Grants; NEHRP; National Seismic Hazard Model; ShakeAlert; reports from SESAC sub-committees. The committee also briefly met the USGS Director, and began preparing their annual report.


November 3 (1:30p-6p PT) and November 4 (8a-12p PT). Minutes

March 29, 2022, from 1-3 p.m. ET and March 31, 2022, from 1-3 ET. Minutes
The Committee reviewed current activities of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) and discussed future priorities.  Agenda topics included EHP strategic planning; Administration priorities and interactions; budget opportunities; balance of activities supported by the EHP; External Grants; NEHRP; National Seismic Hazard Model; ShakeAlert; reports from SESAC sub-committees.


August 24, 2021, from 3-5 p.m. ET and August 26, 2021, from 12-2 ET.
The Committee met virtually and reviewed the current activities of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) and  discussed future priorities.  Topics included:  EHP Council restructuring; new Administration priorities and interactions; balance of activities supported by the EHP; a General Accounting Office report on NEHRP activities; opportunities in the FY23 President’s budget; and reports from SESAC sub-committees.


August 6–7, 2019, Golden, Colorado.


March 5-6, 2018, Caltech Campus, Pasadena, California. Agenda 
The Committee reviewed and considered FY18 implementation and FY19 budget planning, the implementation and public rollout of earthquake early warning, changes to seismic monitoring the in central and eastern U.S., The Committee was updated on Earthquake Hazards Program Strategic Planning.


October 10-11, 2017. Golden, Colorado. Agenda 
The Committee reviewed and considered the current activities and strategic planning of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program and discussed future priorities. Specific topics included a new plan for subduction zone science and the update of seismic hazard maps for Alaska and Hawaii.

January 5, 2017. Teleconference 
The Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee (SESAC) held a conference call to discuss the recent report “Analysis of the Benefits and Costs for the Adoption of EarthScope Stations in Alaska”, August 31, 2016, written by the Alaska Earthquake Monitoring Working Group.


February 2-4, 2016, Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah Agenda 
-The Committee reviewed reports on the status of activities of the Program and progress toward Program goals and objectives. Committee assessed information and provided guidance on the future undertakings and direction of the Earthquake Hazards Program.


January 28-29, 2015, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), Los Angeles, CA Agenda 
-Committee received reports on the status of activities of the Program and progress toward Program goals and objectives. Committee assessed information and provided guidance on the future undertakings and direction of the Earthquake Hazards Program. Focus topics for the meeting included a program review and strategic planning for 2016-2018.

September 1-2, 2015, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas Agenda 
-Committee reviewed the research and monitoring activities supported by the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program that are focused on the Central and Eastern U.S.


May 29-30, 2014, Golden, CO Agenda 
- Briefings on Science Centers, National Maps, ANSS, GSN, NEIC, UCERF3, earthquake likelihood forecasting, and NEHRP.


November 6-7, 2013, Stanford, CA Meeting Summary


Oct 29, 2012, USGS campus, Golden, CO
- Briefings on the status of activities of the Program and progress toward Program goals and objectives. The Committee will assess this information and provide guidance on the future undertakings and direction of the Earthquake Hazards Program.

March 29, 2012, USGS HQ, Reston, VA
- Briefings on the status of activities of the Program and progress toward Program goals and objectives. The Committee will assess this information and provide guidance on the future undertakings and direction of the Earthquake Hazards Program.


Nov 2 - 3, 2011, Washington, D.C.
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazard Program activities and the status of teams supported by the Program


January 26, 2010, Reston, VA Agenda | Meeting Summary
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazards Program activities and new research pathways in the Pacific Northwest, lessons learned from the Great Southern California Shakeout, seismic risk maps, Advanced National Seismic System, and site visit to Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at University of Washington.

November 4-5, 2010, Pasadena CA Agenda |Meeting Summary 
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazards Program activities in Southern California, including the Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project; program activities in the Central US related to the upcoming bicentennial of the New Madrid earthquakes; the Advanced National Seismic System; and international activities.


February 2-3, 2009 Seattle WA Agenda | Meeting Summary
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazards Program activities and new research pathways in the Pacific Northwest, lessons learned from the Great Southern California Shakeout, seismic risk maps, Advanced National Seismic System, and site visit to Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at University of Washington.


July 31-August 1, 2008 Menlo Park CA Agenda | Meeting Summary
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazards Program activities, program-supported teams, the Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project, Hayward earthquake commemoration, and international risk assessment opportunities.

February 19, 2008 Reston VA Agenda | Meeting Summary
- Briefings on Earthquake Hazards Program activities, earthquake early warning algorithm testing, NEHRP developments, the USGS role in seismic hazard assessment, and external research support.


September 5-6, 2007 Paso Robles CA Agenda | Meeting Summary 
- Review of USGS geodesy and deformation activities, the future of USGS activities at Parkfield CA, and briefings on the Advanced National Seismic System, NEPEC, national seismic hazard maps, and the multi-hazards demonstration project.

February 12-13, 2007 Reston VA Agenda | Meeting Summary 
- briefings on the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program and strategic planning, status of teams supported by the program, NEHRP partnership, national seismic hazard maps, National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council (NEPEC), and Southern California Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project.


October 30-31, 2006 Albuquerque NM Meeting Summary 
- Review USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory and USGS role in the Global Seismographic Network.

July 6-7, 2006 Golden CO Meeting Summary 
- examine the USGS role in translating hazard information into a risk framework; provide a review of USGS geohazard program coordination.

March 6-7, 2006 Reston VA Meeting Summary 
- review overall direction of USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, USGS and NOAA roles in the President's tsunami warning initiative, USGS participation in EarthScope and USGS multi-hazards initiative.


September 27-29, 2005 Seattle WA 
- review USGS earthquake and tsunami activities in the Pacific Northwest and prepare 2005 report.

April 13-14, 2005 Menlo Park CA 
- review Earthquake Hazards Program internal research activities

January 11-12, 2005 Reston VA 
- review USGS response to Sumatra earthquake, USGS Director's natural hazards initiative, and Earthquake Hazards Programperformance.


September 13, 2004 Teton Village, WY
- review overall direction of USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, with emphasis on Intermountain West activities.

June 3, 2004 Memphis, TN
- review overall direction of USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, with emphasis on the development of the next generation of seismic hazard maps, and activities in Central U.S.

January 21, 2004 Reston, VA
- review overall direction of USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in current and next fiscal year, with emphasis on defining future opportunities and strategies for balancing Program needs against resource limitations.


August 24, 2003 Delta Junction, AK
- draft report of annual review of USGS Earthquake Hazards Program with emphasis on earthquake activities in California
- critique application of PART (Program Assessment Rating Tool) to the Earthquake Hazards Program.

June 11, 2003 Los Angeles, CA
- review USGS NEHRP activities in California.

January 8, 2003 Reston, VA
- review draft of new 5-year plan of USGS NEHRP.


August 26, 2002 Golden, CO
- review draft of new 5-year plan of USGS NEHRP.

May 20, 2002 San Francisco, CA
- review current status of 5-year plan and accomplishments of USGS NEHRP.

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