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Interagency Flood Risk Management (InFRM) watershed hydrology assessment for the Neches River basin. Appendix D: RiverWare analyses

January 1, 2022

RiverWare is a river system modeling tool developed by CADSWES (Center of Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems) that allows the user to simulate complex reservoir operations and perform period-of-record analyses for different scenarios. For the InFRM hydrology studies, RiverWare is used to generate a homogeneous regulated POR by simulating the basin as if the reservoirs and their current rule sets had been present in the basin for the entire time period. Statistical analyses can then be performed on the extended records at the gages. This report summarizes the RiverWare portion of the hydrologic analysis being completed for the InFRM Hydrology study of the Neches River Basin.

The RiverWare model described in this chapter presents development of the Neches River Basin hydrology, which mimics current operational conditions. The use of the RiverWare program allows for data extension to periods prior to dam construction. The utilization of longer streamgage record improves discharge frequency results and increases the confidence of the analysis being performed. The modeling evaluation criteria are: (1) evaluate output based on validating policies and functions, and (2) prioritize operation based on surcharge and flood control. A detailed explanation of the Neches River Basin POR hydrology will be in a later section.

Calibration results will also be shown that illustrate model performance since the Salt Water Barrier (SWB) construction was completed in 2005. The time window simulation run is for water year (WY) 2005 – WY 2018. This time window also captures the time when Hurricane Harvey occurred (late August of 2017). Each simulated water year was inspected individually to better validate the results.

After calibration, a general run for January 01, 1929 through WY 2018 was made. Historical pool elevations along with observed inflows and outflows were compared against the model simulated results. More emphasis was put on B.A. Steinhagen’s operations because the dam captures two major rivers (i.e. the Angelina and the Neches Rivers). Results were inspected closely for B.A. Steinhagen’s pool and releases, the simulated discharges at the Neches at Evadale gage, and the simulated discharges at the SWB at Beaumont, Texas.

Publication Year 2022
Title Interagency Flood Risk Management (InFRM) watershed hydrology assessment for the Neches River basin. Appendix D: RiverWare analyses
Authors David S. Wallace
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Federal Government Series
Series Title Interagency Flood Risk Management Report
Index ID 70228833
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center
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