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Multi-Resource Analysis—Methodology and synthesis

August 16, 2018

This document introduces the Multi-Resource Analysis (MRA), a set of products that are being designed to integrate information on multiple natural resources in a region, combine that information with models of resource interrelationships and scenarios of change, and provide meaningful insights on the implications of those changes to people and the resources they value. The MRA builds from and enhances a wide range of existing U.S. Geological Survey assessment products. These enhancements will help natural resource managers better understand the connections among the resources they manage and the changes that might occur due to natural events and human decisions. This knowledge will help them identify solutions to landscape-scale management issues that best meet their objectives. MRA products are developed through a structured process that brings together scientists, decision makers, and other stakeholders to address relevant issues and decisions for a specified geographic region, ensuring that the analysis is directly relevant. This circular introduces the MRA, describes the envisioned process for developing a region-specific MRA, and discusses the various MRA components and products. The MRA process and products are shown through descriptions and examples drawn from two proof-of-concept studies and related work.

Publication Year 2018
Title Multi-Resource Analysis—Methodology and synthesis
DOI 10.3133/cir1442
Authors Karen E. Jenni, Emily Pindilli, Richard Bernknopf, Timothy L. Nieman, Carl Shapiro
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Circular
Series Number 1442
Index ID cir1442
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Science and Decisions Center
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