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Summary of suspended-solids concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 1998

January 1, 2000

Suspended-solids concentration data were collected in San Francisco Bay during water year 1998 (October 1, 1997?September 30, 1998). Optical backscatterance sensors and water samples were used to monitor suspended solids at two sites in Suisun Bay, three sites in Central San Francisco Bay, and three sites in South San Francisco Bay. Sensors were positioned at two depths at most sites. Water samples were collected periodically and were analyzed for concentrations of suspended solids. The results of the analyses were used to calibrate the electrical output of the optical backscatterance sensors. This report presents the data-collection methods used and summarizes the suspended-solids concentration data collected from October 1997 through September 1998. Calibration plots and plots of edited data for each sensor also are presented.

Publication Year 2000
Title Summary of suspended-solids concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 1998
DOI 10.3133/ofr0088
Authors Paul A. Buchanan, Catherine A. Ruhl
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 2000-88
Index ID ofr0088
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization San Francisco Bay-Delta; Pacific Regional Director's Office
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