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Temporal relationship between the Lassen Volcanic Center and mafic regional volcanism

October 19, 2019

Monogenetic volcanoes, distributed over large areas, contribute to the growth of monogenetic volcanic fields (MVFs) over thousands to millions of years of activity. It is now accepted that MVFs are also temporally clustered. To reduce uncertainties inherent to this episodic character, it is critical to combine multi-disciplinary studies to improve our knowledge of the temporal evolution of MVFs. The Lassen region, in the southern Cascades, is investigated to compare timing of eruptions at distributed mafic, intermediate, and silicic monogenetic volcanoes considering a new set of 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar ages, complementing published radiometric ages for the area. Activity over the past 3.5 Ma has been episodic, alternating periods of intense and reduced activity as observed at other MVFs. More specifically, periods of intense regional mafic activity have occurred simultaneously to eruptive sequences at the silicic Lassen Volcanic Center (LVC). The back-arc Caribou Volcanic Field (CVF, ~800 – 15 ka) and forearc volcanoes, active simultaneously with the LVC, are characterized by eruptive sequences that persisted for 20 – 40 kyr, with the most recent eruptions occurring during the last glacial episode. Crater Mountain, a relatively young (282 - 395 ka) shield volcano spatially close to the CVF, confirms the presence of localized higher fluxes of mantle-derived melts that persisted for hundreds of thousand years in the back-arc region. Over the past 3.5 Ma, many small magma batches erupted simultaneously in short-lived episodes within clusters distributed across the Lassen region, including the LVC.

Publication Year 2019
Title Temporal relationship between the Lassen Volcanic Center and mafic regional volcanism
DOI 10.1007/s00445-019-1296-7
Authors Aurelie Germa, Chris Perry, Xavier Quidelleur, Andrew T. Calvert, Michael A. Clynne, Chuck Connor, Laura Connor, Rocco Malservisi, Sylvain Charbonnier
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Bulletin of Volcanology
Index ID 70215423
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Volcano Science Center
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