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ArrayAbundance: An R package to explore and model detection data from antenna arrays

June 10, 2024

#ArrayAbundance: An R package to explore and model detection data from antenna arrays
The goal of Rpackage is to help modelers format passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag array detection data for data exploration and for analysis with mark-recapture models.
The package includes functions to categorize array detection data into movement categories (e.g., migratory movement versus potential resident) based on the timing between detections for individuals. Additionally, upstream versus downstream detections can be plotted. Lastly, the package can be used to construct capture histories that can be used to fit the model described by Dzul et al (2024).
Currently, the package is designed for double-array detections, though single-array applications may be added at a later date (check back)
Specifically, this package includes functions to
assign_move_fun : help classify array detections into different movement types
create_ch_fun : create a capture history that combines physical capture and array detection data - see Dzul et al. (Accepted)
daily_move_summary_fun : create a table with the number of individuals (unique tags) with each movement type for each day
double_check_ch : flag problematic PIT detections/ captures that will cause problems with model assumptions
move_summary_fun: create a table with the number of individuals (unique tags) with each movement type over entire migratory period
plot_move_fun : plot timing of upstream vs downstream double-detections
set_intervals : bin date/times into discrete intervals

Publication Year 2024
Title ArrayAbundance: An R package to explore and model detection data from antenna arrays
DOI 10.5066/P1GVJQDG
Authors Maria C Dzul
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Southwest Biological Science Center - Flagstaff, AZ, Headquarters
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