Technicians deploy water-quality instrumentation on Bear Lake platforms
Cory E Angeroth
Cory is Acting Chief of the Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility and the Deputy Program Coordinator for the Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program which provides impartial, timely, rigorous, and relevant data for short- and long-term water decisions by stakeholders across the United States.
A former Director (2018-2021) and Surveillance Section Chief (2005-2018) of the Utah Water Science Center and Field Office Chief (2003-2005) of the Yuma, AZ, office, Cory has been involved in USGS data collection and science since 1995. He has led data and science programs and managed staff in Arizona and Utah. Cory has led data collection and research activities on Great Salt Lake (GSL), and was a member of several multi-agency technical teams related to GSL issues.
Science and Products
Calculating salt loads to Great Salt Lake and the associated uncertainties for water year 2013; updating a 48 year old standard
Density-stratified flow events in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA: implications for mercury and salinity cycling
Monitoring change in Great Salt Lake
Runoff conditions in Utah for water year 2011
Application of Geographic Information System Methods to Identify Areas Yielding Water that will be Replaced by Water from the Colorado River in the Vidal and Chemehuevi Areas, California, and the Mohave Mesa Area, Arizona
Reply to the comment on "Anthropogenic influences on the input and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and mercury in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA", by Mae Gustin
Anthropogenic influences on the input and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and mercury in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Water resources data, Utah, water year 2005
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004
Water Resources Data, Arizona, Water Year 2003
Characterization of hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium and basin fill, Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona
In-situ alteration of minerals by acidic ground water resulting from mining activities: Preliminary evaluation of method
General Information, Facts, News, Publications and Partners
Urban Waters Federal Partnership Cooperative Matching Funds Projects
Streamflow Information Program
What is a streamgage?
Technicians deploy water-quality instrumentation on Bear Lake platforms
Collecting sediment traps on Lake Powell.
Collecting sediment traps on Lake Powell.
Science and Products
Calculating salt loads to Great Salt Lake and the associated uncertainties for water year 2013; updating a 48 year old standard
Density-stratified flow events in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA: implications for mercury and salinity cycling
Monitoring change in Great Salt Lake
Runoff conditions in Utah for water year 2011
Application of Geographic Information System Methods to Identify Areas Yielding Water that will be Replaced by Water from the Colorado River in the Vidal and Chemehuevi Areas, California, and the Mohave Mesa Area, Arizona
Reply to the comment on "Anthropogenic influences on the input and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and mercury in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA", by Mae Gustin
Anthropogenic influences on the input and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients and mercury in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Water resources data, Utah, water year 2005
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004
Water Resources Data, Arizona, Water Year 2003
Characterization of hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium and basin fill, Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona
In-situ alteration of minerals by acidic ground water resulting from mining activities: Preliminary evaluation of method
General Information, Facts, News, Publications and Partners
Urban Waters Federal Partnership Cooperative Matching Funds Projects
Streamflow Information Program
What is a streamgage?
Technicians deploy water-quality instrumentation on Bear Lake platforms
Technicians deploy water-quality instrumentation on Bear Lake platforms
Collecting sediment traps on Lake Powell.
Collecting sediment traps on Lake Powell.