Daniel Bright (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Science in the Truckee River Basin
The Truckee River flows for 120 miles from the outlet of Lake Tahoe in California, into Nevada, through the city of Reno, until it terminates at Pyramid Lake and is the only source of surface-water outflow from Lake Tahoe. The majority of the streamflow in the Truckee River comes from the Sierra Nevada snowpack. Contributions to the river in Nevada are small due to the Sierra Nevada’s “rain shadow...
Hydrogeologic framework and simulation of predevelopment groundwater flow, eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates
Groundwater in eastern Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates is an important resource that is widely used for irrigation and domestic supplies in rural areas. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Environment Agency—Abu Dhabi cooperated on an investigation to integrate existing hydrogeologic information and to answer questions about regional groundwater resources in Abu Dhabi by developing a numerica
Jack R. Eggleston, Thomas J. Mack, Jeffrey L. Imes, Wade Kress, Dennis W. Woodward, Daniel J. Bright
Water Resources of the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada, and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah
This report summarizes results of a water-resources study for White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent areas in east-central Nevada and western Utah. The Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system (BARCAS) study was initiated in December 2004 through Federal legislation (Section 301(e) of the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004; PL108-424) directi
Daniel J. Bright, Lari A. Knochenmus
Analysis of water levels in the Frenchman Flat area, Nevada Test Site
Analysis of water levels in 21 wells in the Frenchman Flat area, Nevada Test Site, provides information on the accuracy of hydraulic-head calculations, temporal water-level trends, and potential causes of water-level fluctuations. Accurate hydraulic heads are particularly important in Frenchman Flat where the hydraulic gradients are relatively flat (less than 1 foot per mile) in the alluvial aquif
D.J. Bright, S.A. Watkins, B.A. Lisle
Evaluation of ground-water flow and solute transport in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California
Ground-water quality in the Lompoc area, especially in the Lompoc plain, is only marginally acceptable for most uses. Demand for ground water has increased for municipal use since the late 1950's and has continued to be high for irrigation on the Lompoc plain, the principal agricultural area in the Santa Ynez River basin. As use has increased, the quality of ground water has deteriorated in some a
Daniel J. Bright, David B. Nash, Peter Martin
Geohydrology, water quality, and nitrogen geochemistry in the saturated and unsaturated zones beneath various land uses, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, California, 1991-93
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Eastern Municipal Water District, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and the Orange County Water District, has completed a detailed study of the Hemet groundwater basin. The quantity of ground water stored in the basin in August 1992 is estimated to be 327,000 acre-feet. Dissolved-solids concentration ranged from 380 to 700 m
Terry F. Rees, Daniel J. Bright, Ronald G. Fay, Allen H. Christensen, Robert Anders, Brian S. Baharie, Michael T. Land
Ground-water hydrology and quality in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California, 1987-88
No abstract available.
D.J. Bright, C.L. Stamos, P. M. Martin, D.B. Nash
Ground-water conditions in the Anza-Terwilliger area, with emphasis on the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Riverside County, California, 1973-86
Demand for groundwater in the 96-sq mi Anza Terwilliger area of California has increased in recent years because of population growth and agricultural development. In order to evaluate the potential effects of continued growth and development on the water resources of Cahuilla Indian Reservation, water level, land use, and water quality data were collected and analyzed. Water level measurements in
L. R. Woolfenden, D.J. Bright
Science and Products
Science in the Truckee River Basin
The Truckee River flows for 120 miles from the outlet of Lake Tahoe in California, into Nevada, through the city of Reno, until it terminates at Pyramid Lake and is the only source of surface-water outflow from Lake Tahoe. The majority of the streamflow in the Truckee River comes from the Sierra Nevada snowpack. Contributions to the river in Nevada are small due to the Sierra Nevada’s “rain shadow...
Hydrogeologic framework and simulation of predevelopment groundwater flow, eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates
Groundwater in eastern Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates is an important resource that is widely used for irrigation and domestic supplies in rural areas. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Environment Agency—Abu Dhabi cooperated on an investigation to integrate existing hydrogeologic information and to answer questions about regional groundwater resources in Abu Dhabi by developing a numerica
Jack R. Eggleston, Thomas J. Mack, Jeffrey L. Imes, Wade Kress, Dennis W. Woodward, Daniel J. Bright
Water Resources of the Basin and Range Carbonate-Rock Aquifer System, White Pine County, Nevada, and Adjacent Areas in Nevada and Utah
This report summarizes results of a water-resources study for White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent areas in east-central Nevada and western Utah. The Basin and Range carbonate-rock aquifer system (BARCAS) study was initiated in December 2004 through Federal legislation (Section 301(e) of the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004; PL108-424) directi
Daniel J. Bright, Lari A. Knochenmus
Analysis of water levels in the Frenchman Flat area, Nevada Test Site
Analysis of water levels in 21 wells in the Frenchman Flat area, Nevada Test Site, provides information on the accuracy of hydraulic-head calculations, temporal water-level trends, and potential causes of water-level fluctuations. Accurate hydraulic heads are particularly important in Frenchman Flat where the hydraulic gradients are relatively flat (less than 1 foot per mile) in the alluvial aquif
D.J. Bright, S.A. Watkins, B.A. Lisle
Evaluation of ground-water flow and solute transport in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California
Ground-water quality in the Lompoc area, especially in the Lompoc plain, is only marginally acceptable for most uses. Demand for ground water has increased for municipal use since the late 1950's and has continued to be high for irrigation on the Lompoc plain, the principal agricultural area in the Santa Ynez River basin. As use has increased, the quality of ground water has deteriorated in some a
Daniel J. Bright, David B. Nash, Peter Martin
Geohydrology, water quality, and nitrogen geochemistry in the saturated and unsaturated zones beneath various land uses, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, California, 1991-93
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Eastern Municipal Water District, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and the Orange County Water District, has completed a detailed study of the Hemet groundwater basin. The quantity of ground water stored in the basin in August 1992 is estimated to be 327,000 acre-feet. Dissolved-solids concentration ranged from 380 to 700 m
Terry F. Rees, Daniel J. Bright, Ronald G. Fay, Allen H. Christensen, Robert Anders, Brian S. Baharie, Michael T. Land
Ground-water hydrology and quality in the Lompoc area, Santa Barbara County, California, 1987-88
No abstract available.
D.J. Bright, C.L. Stamos, P. M. Martin, D.B. Nash
Ground-water conditions in the Anza-Terwilliger area, with emphasis on the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Riverside County, California, 1973-86
Demand for groundwater in the 96-sq mi Anza Terwilliger area of California has increased in recent years because of population growth and agricultural development. In order to evaluate the potential effects of continued growth and development on the water resources of Cahuilla Indian Reservation, water level, land use, and water quality data were collected and analyzed. Water level measurements in
L. R. Woolfenden, D.J. Bright