Robert Lonsinger

Detailed Description
Originally from Pennsylvania, Rob earned a B.S. in Biology from Gannon University, a M.S. in Wildlife Science from New Mexico State University, and a PhD in Natural Resources from the University of Idaho. Rob is a mammalian ecologist. Research in the Lonsinger Lab uses a combination of intensive field-based research, laboratory-based methods and ecological modeling. We are broadly interested in conservation genetics, landscape ecology, community ecology, and predator-prey dynamics. We aim to confront applied problems with ecological hypotheses and to elucidate processes driving complex population dynamics. Although our research tends to utilize carnivore species as model organisms, the approaches we employ (e.g., conservation genetic analyses, capture-recapture modeling, and occupancy modeling) are amendable to many taxa and systems. We have found that working closely with management agencies and private landowners has allowed our research to guide management and make lasting contributions to the conservation of species and the habitats on which they depend. We strive to be collaborative with researchers and managers, as well as with private landowners and citizens; only though diversity in collaborators and stakeholders can we expect to tackle some of our most pressing conservation challenges. Visit Rob's website at
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