Berlin - GPSTransmitter
Effects of Dorsally Mounted Solar-powered Cellular GPS Transmitters on Diving and Foraging in Surf Scoters and Red-throated Loons
Several types of experimental attachment techniques were tested on each study species (Surf Scoters ( Melanitta perspicillata), Red-throated Loon ( Gavia stellata), and Northern Gannet ( Morus bassanus)), including traditional Teflon-ribbon style harnesses, sutures, and harnesses made of silicone moulding. Silicone harnesses, which were deployed in 2014 and 2015, offered the best balance between...
Effects of Dorsally Mounted Solar-powered Cellular GPS Transmitters on Diving and Foraging in Surf Scoters and Red-throated Loons
Several types of experimental attachment techniques were tested on each study species (Surf Scoters ( Melanitta perspicillata), Red-throated Loon ( Gavia stellata), and Northern Gannet ( Morus bassanus)), including traditional Teflon-ribbon style harnesses, sutures, and harnesses made of silicone moulding. Silicone harnesses, which were deployed in 2014 and 2015, offered the best balance between...