Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park, WY
The Yellowstone River Compact was ratified in 1950 and became effective in 1951. The Yellowstone River Compact Commission (YRCC) is a three member commission charged with apportioning the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
► Meeting Dates:
2024 Annual Commission Meeting to be held December 12, 2024 at 1:30 pm
In-person: Red Lodge Mountain Golf Clubhouse, 828 Upper Continental Drive, Red Lodge, MT
Virtual meeting links and call-in information:
Join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 251 471 222 161
Passcode: GbFH6N
Dial in by phone: +1 406-318-5487,,455710863# United States, Billings
Phone conference ID: 455 710 863#
Join on a video conferencing device: Tenant key: 291818717@t.plcm.vc
Video ID: 113 892 316 3

History of the Compact
The Yellowstone River Compact was ratified in 1950 and became effective in 1951. The Yellowstone River Compact Commission (YRCC) is a three member commission charged with apportioning the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
The Compact was entered into by Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming to:
- provide for an equitable division and apportionment of the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
- encourage the beneficial development and use of the Basin's waters, recognizing the great importance of water for irrigation that would arise from future projects or programs for the regulation, control, and use of water in the Yellowstone River Basin.
- further intergovernment cooperation and remove causes of controversy over distribution and use of water.
Compact and Commission Information
- Summary of the Compact's Apportionment Provisions
- Text of Yellowstone River Compact
- Rules and Regulations for Administration of the Yellowstone River Compact
- Rules for the Resolution of Disputes Over the Administration of the Compact
- Commission Formational Meeting Minutes and Annual Reports
- Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Compact Commissioners
- John Kilpatrick - Chairman and Federal Representative
- Anna Pakenham Stevenson - Administrator, Water Resources Division, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Brandon Gebhart - Commissioner for Wyoming - Wyoming State Engineer
Technical Advisory Committee
- Theodore Barnhart, PhD - Research Physical Scientist, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
- Aaron Fiaschetti, Hydrologist, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
- Mark Elison - Hydrologist, Water Resources Division, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Joshua Fredrickson - Superintendent, Water Division Three, Wyoming Board of Control
- Michelle Gess - River Basin Coordinator, Interstate Streams Division, Wyoming State Engineer's Office
- Eric Larson – Hydrologist: Montana Natural Resources Conservation Service
- John Lunzer - Surface Water Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Dave Schroeder - Superintendent, Water Division Two, Wyoming Board of Control
- Jacob Mohrmann - Surface Water Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Christine Schweigert - Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Scott Whiteman – Data Operations Section Chief, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
Location of the Official Records of the Yellowstone River Compact Commission
U.S. Geological Survey
Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
3162 Bozeman Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
Phone: 406-457-5900 (office)
Below are other resources associated with the Yellowstone River Compact Commission.
Yellowstone River Compact Commission: Annual Reports
Yellowstone River Compact Commission: Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Below are partners associated with the Yellowstone River Compact Commission.
The Yellowstone River Compact was ratified in 1950 and became effective in 1951. The Yellowstone River Compact Commission (YRCC) is a three member commission charged with apportioning the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
► Meeting Dates:
2024 Annual Commission Meeting to be held December 12, 2024 at 1:30 pm
In-person: Red Lodge Mountain Golf Clubhouse, 828 Upper Continental Drive, Red Lodge, MT
Virtual meeting links and call-in information:
Join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 251 471 222 161
Passcode: GbFH6N
Dial in by phone: +1 406-318-5487,,455710863# United States, Billings
Phone conference ID: 455 710 863#
Join on a video conferencing device: Tenant key: 291818717@t.plcm.vc
Video ID: 113 892 316 3

History of the Compact
The Yellowstone River Compact was ratified in 1950 and became effective in 1951. The Yellowstone River Compact Commission (YRCC) is a three member commission charged with apportioning the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
The Compact was entered into by Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming to:
- provide for an equitable division and apportionment of the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.
- encourage the beneficial development and use of the Basin's waters, recognizing the great importance of water for irrigation that would arise from future projects or programs for the regulation, control, and use of water in the Yellowstone River Basin.
- further intergovernment cooperation and remove causes of controversy over distribution and use of water.
Compact and Commission Information
- Summary of the Compact's Apportionment Provisions
- Text of Yellowstone River Compact
- Rules and Regulations for Administration of the Yellowstone River Compact
- Rules for the Resolution of Disputes Over the Administration of the Compact
- Commission Formational Meeting Minutes and Annual Reports
- Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Compact Commissioners
- John Kilpatrick - Chairman and Federal Representative
- Anna Pakenham Stevenson - Administrator, Water Resources Division, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Brandon Gebhart - Commissioner for Wyoming - Wyoming State Engineer
Technical Advisory Committee
- Theodore Barnhart, PhD - Research Physical Scientist, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
- Aaron Fiaschetti, Hydrologist, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
- Mark Elison - Hydrologist, Water Resources Division, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Joshua Fredrickson - Superintendent, Water Division Three, Wyoming Board of Control
- Michelle Gess - River Basin Coordinator, Interstate Streams Division, Wyoming State Engineer's Office
- Eric Larson – Hydrologist: Montana Natural Resources Conservation Service
- John Lunzer - Surface Water Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Dave Schroeder - Superintendent, Water Division Two, Wyoming Board of Control
- Jacob Mohrmann - Surface Water Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Christine Schweigert - Hydrologist, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
- Scott Whiteman – Data Operations Section Chief, USGS: Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
Location of the Official Records of the Yellowstone River Compact Commission
U.S. Geological Survey
Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
3162 Bozeman Avenue
Helena, MT 59601
Phone: 406-457-5900 (office)
Below are other resources associated with the Yellowstone River Compact Commission.
Yellowstone River Compact Commission: Annual Reports
Yellowstone River Compact Commission: Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Below are partners associated with the Yellowstone River Compact Commission.