Climate change tweaks biocrust colors
The Arizona Daily Sun published an article about a recently published paper that investigated the consequences of altered temperature and moisture regimes on biological soil crusts and the resultant effects on soil surface albedo
William “Austin” Rutherford (lead author, now at University of Arizona), Scott Ferrenberg, Jayne Belnap, and Sasha Reed are Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) authors of the paper titled, “Albedo feedbacks to future climate via climate change impacts on dryland biocrusts”. The other authors of the paper are Thomas Painter, Gregory Okin (both from University of California), and Cody Flagg (National Ecological Observatory Network). In addition to highlighting the newly published paper and quoting Austin, Matt Bowker from Northern Arizona University and collaborator with SBSC biocrust researchers was also quoted in the piece.
Here is the link to the Arizona Daily Sun article:
Here is the link to the paper the article focused on:
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