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November 14, 2024

The USGS is home to one of the largest, most multidisciplinary groups of scientists who unravel mysteries of the past, and help project future patterns, by studying paleoclimate.

Photo of a sieved peat sample and two pairs of tweezers.
Sieved peat sample, Macrofossil and Sediment Processing Laboratory
Five images of microscopic fossils.
Mid-Pliocene microfossils
Six grains of fossilized pollen viewed under a microscope.
Secrets of the Past Unlocked by Fossil Pollen
ten examples of different Arctic ostracode species
Arctic Ostracode Species

Everything is Connected

If you’ve ever wanted to travel back in time—like way back in time—we have got the science for you. 

USGS scientists who study paleoclimate and paleoecology piece together what ancient climate and ecosystems were like on our planet long ago.

This paleo research is vital to understanding how climate and ecosystems interact and have changed over time. But it’s a complicated puzzle to figure out. It can take a team of scientists working on the puzzle with diverse specializations to accurately piece together what ancient life was like.

Enter the powerhouse of paleo.

The large, multidisciplinary group of USGS scientists who study paleoclimate and paleoecology produce some of the most comprehensive science in these fields, and the value of their work is about more than just peeking into the past. They piece together how and why changes occurred before people kept records.

Understanding why and how climate and ecosystems influenced each other in the past provides insights into changes happening today, making it possible to predict the types of ecosystem and climate changes that may occur under different greenhouse gas emission possibilities.

Considering the rapid environmental change that’s been recorded in the last 50 years, managers and decision-makers are actively seeking USGS expertise to better protect people, animals and ecosystems.

How the USGS Goes Paleo

Despite what the name might imply, not every “paleo” scientist is a paleontologist—there are contributions from many disciplines that advance our understanding of this field. And even the paleontologists at the USGS don’t line up with the Hollywood stereotypes. 

Take marine micropalentologist Marci Robinson. She doesn’t study long-dead behemoth reptiles or wooly mammoths; her focus is on the ancient remains of tiny creatures called foraminifera in the fossil record. She spends her days mucking about in mud to find clues for how and how fast the ecology of the ocean and coastal zones changed with changing climates in the past.


scientist crouching and collecting fossilized shells and sediment
Robinson collects samples in the field.
Planktic Foraminifera

Robinson’s research is important because records from past warm periods provide evidence of climate tipping points, like the thresholds of when an ecosystem will change from one to another or when they collapse. Paleoenvironmental data also provide an essential “ground-truth” to improve global and regional climate and ecological modeling efforts.

Researchers deploying gravity corer off boat in Chukchi Sea.
Deployment of a Gravity Corer
ten examples of Arctic ostracode species
Examples of Arctic Ostracode Species
Laura Gemery stands on a dock in preparation to board a ship heading to the Arctic.
Laura Gemery, 2013
scanning electron microscope image of ostracode
SEM image of the ostracode, Acetabulastoma

Like Robinson, marine micropalentologist Laura Gemery also studies ancient microfossils. In addition to foraminifera, Gemery studies teeny tiny bivalved crustaceans called ostracodes. In the fossil record, these resilient creatures provide robust evidence of past ocean conditions. Gemery’s research in the Arctic is giving detailed insight into how changing climate impacted the oceans and sea ice in the past and how it may impact them into the future, which can inform national, state, and regional management agencies.

Geologist Miriam Jones also studies fossils, but the ones she spends her time with are bigger than those studied by Robinson and Gemery. Jones focuses on more recent prehistory in wetland ecosystems, so she studies the remains of ancient plants. Her work gives a localized view of how changes in environmental conditions, like changes in temperature and precipitation, affected prehistoric wetlands’ role in the carbon cycle.


Scientist standing in wetland with a coring device
Jones ready to take a peat core in a wetland.
Sieved peat sample, Macrofossil and Sediment Processing Laboratory

Wetlands remain an important ecosystem in the global carbon cycle and Jones’s work helps scientists understand how the changes we’re seeing today might impact how much greenhouse gas they store and emit. 

Sometimes the tiniest remains of ancient living things are useful to understanding paleoclimate and paleoecology. For instance, as a palynologist, Deb Willard studies ancient pollen and spores left behind by prehistoric flowering plants to better understand the interactions between ecosystems on land and in the ocean.


Debra Willard
Willard with a sediment core in the lab.
Secrets of the Past Unlocked by Fossil Pollen

Because of its ability to provide localized views of past ecosystems, Jones and Willard’s research has helped inform the management strategies on public lands, like national wildlife refuges and national parks. For instance, they can show what an ecosystem was like before Europeans arrived to the continent which has been used to help inform restoration efforts and fire management strategies.

In fact, it might surprise you to learn that understanding how people have shaped their environment for hundreds and thousands of years is a theme that unites much USGS paleo research. 

For example, paleoclimatologist Natalie Kehrwald studies glacial ice to look for aerosols associated with fires or human activity. Kehrwald can tell a lot based on these aerosols, from changes in broadscale socioeconomic status to changes in freshwater availability to the relationship between fire, climate and human activity. 


Coring on the Juneau Icefield
Kehrwald and a colleague take an ice core in the Juneau ice field in Alaska.
Crevices on glacier, Juneau Icefield

Kehrwald’s research is foundational in that it will be used by other scientists to model things like fire intervals. It will also inform understanding of past ecosystems and future management at Denali National Park, where some of her research takes place.

Of course, aerosols in ice aren’t the only interesting place scientists can look for evidence of past climates. Ecologist Ellis Margolis studies tree rings on a paleo-modern continuum to understand the relationship between fires, climate and human land use so we can better forecast future wildland fires.

Margolis’s work is directly applied to fire management and environmental protection decision-making, and his research is used in public outreach efforts in national parks and more. 


scientist sampling burnt tree
Margolis takes a sample from a fire-scarred tree for tree ring analysis.
Tree rings dating to the mid-1500s from a ponderosa pine log

In addition, Margolis often teams up with other scientists and one of those is terrestrial paleoecologist Paul Henne. Henne likes to describe his work as studying natural experiments from the past. His research involves weaving together the evidence scientists, like Margolis, find about paleo-ecosystems to figure out why climate and ecosystem change happen and how they are linked.

Henne’s collaborative work is used by scientists and managers alike to improve models and inform decision making to help manage forests, fire and the effects of fire, like smoke.


scientists stands to the left of a standing desk computer in the office
Henne with model results displayed on screen.
Pinalenos Fire

Henne’s work is a great example of how much of the research paleoclimatologists and paleoecologists do is built off previous work and is, in turn, used to inform future work. And many of these scientists use computer modeling.

But how do scientists ensure that the techniques they are using and the tools they are producing are the most robust possible, that will lead to the best possible future models related to climate change?

That’s something paleoecologist Lysanna Anderson has made her business. Anderson studies pre-historic ecosystem change and most of the science she conducts is to inform decision-makers to facilitate sustainable land use practices.

More recently, Anderson has turned her attention to improving the science that she and her peers produce to make it the best it can be. For example, she and others worked on recent papers to illustrate the best practices for lead and carbon dating techniques. The refinement and improvements Anderson and other USGS scientists are making to scientific methodology are advancing the field of paleoclimatology and paleoecology as a whole.


six scientists in a row holding up a 5.5 meter long sediment core
Anderson and colleagues hold a sediment core in Palmyra Atoll.
Palm-lined Coast, Palmyra Atoll

Finally, the one capability that sets USGS paleo research above the rest is the ability to synthesize these findings. USGS scientists studying paleoclimate and paleoecology often come together to advance the most comprehensive understanding of past climate and ecosystems available. These syntheses are only possible with such a diverse collection of scientists. 

This is what makes USGS such a powerhouse of paleo—and it’s the reason that USGS paleo research is being used by DOI and federal partners, other scientists and academics, and larger international efforts like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. 

This was just a small sampling of USGS paleo research. Head to our science explorer webpage to learn more about how USGS scientists travel back in time to unravel the mysteries of the past to better understand the present and predict the future.



Learn more about some of the scientific methods mentioned in this story and the Ecosystems Land Change Science Program, which funds much of the USGS paleoclimate research, by clicking on the following images:

A comic style infographic of USGS researchers studying ice cores.
Ice Cores
A drawing of a crosscut section of a tree to display its rings and the potential events associated with their differences.
Tree Rings
A drawing of a crosscut sediment core depicting historic events from 1950 to 18,000 B.C
Sediment Core
An illustration of a globe with alternating scenes depicting different ecosystems.
Science to Understand Changing Ecosystems (square)

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