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What are the approval requirements for USGS scientific software releases? [078]

USGS scientific software releases are approved by the Science Center Director, the authoritative copy is maintained on a USGS hosting platform (e.g. Nonauthoritative copies can be shared on externally hosted platforms but the DOI must point to the USGS hosting platform. [Read more]

Bureau approval for USGS scientific software releases is granted by the Science Center Director (or a designee) and documented in the IPDS. The authoritative or original reference copy of all approved scientific software releases must be maintained on a USGS hosting platform such as Nonauthoritative copies of a USGS scientific software release can also be shared on externally hosted platforms, but the associated DOI (refer to FAQ E.6.12) for these copies must point to the repository on the USGS hosting platform. Provisional software is subject to change or revision and may be released without Bureau approval in order to support collaborative software development with colleagues and partners from outside entities. Provisional software can be shared online through a USGS hosting platform; the hosting location for provisional software must be approved by a Science Center Director.