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Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of deformed Foreknobs Formation within the Snyder Run syncline near Bergton, VA
This dataset consists of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - derived point clouds and a highly detailed orthomosaic image of a roadcut exposure documenting the structural style of the middle part of the Late Devonian Foreknobs Formation within the Synder Run syncline near Bergton, Virginia. For the roadcut exposure, two datasets are published: an orthomosaic raster image and a point cloud. The...
Structure-from-Motion derived point cloud and orthomosaic image of deformed Helderberg Group strata within the Patterson Creek anticline near Forman, WV
This dataset consists of a Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - derived point cloud and a highly detailed orthomosaic image of a roadcut exposure documenting the structural style of the latest Silurian (Pridolian) and Early Devonian (Lochkovian) Helderberg Group strata within the Patterson Creek anticline near Forman, WV. For the roadcut exposure, two datasets are published: an orthomosaic...
Microsatellite genotypes for flathead catfish used for analysis of genetic structuring in Pennsylvania rivers
This dataset provides the microsatellite genotypes for 466 flathead catfish collected in Pennslyvania rivers for an analysis of population genetic structuring of introduced popualtions. Also included is the spatial location of sample sites.
Trends in Nutrient and Other Water Quality Constituent Loads to the Gulf of America from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers, 1968-2024
The National Water Quality Network (NWQN) for Rivers and Streams includes 105 surface-water river and stream sites monitored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Program. This data release provides streamflow, nutrient, and sediment data collected and analyzed by USGS for sites on the one Mississippi River site and one Atchafalaya River site used to represent...
Bird point count and vegetation survey data from grassland sites in southern Iowa
This dataset contains records from bird point count and vegetation surveys conducted at 71 sites in southern Iowa in 2022 and 2023. All sites had recently implemented a management practice aimed at increasing habitat quality for northern bobwhite. We conducted surveys at 1-3 points per site and visited each point 3 times between May 15 and July 31 each year. Some sites were visited in...
Campaign GNSS measurements on the Island of Hawaiʻi collected by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory in 2022
This release includes data collected during campaign GNSS surveys at Kīlauea and Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaiʻi in 2022. It includes data from a total of 63 sites occupied from January 1 to December 31, 2022. For each site, we include its measured raw data in daily files, Receiver INdependent EXchange (RINEX) files for each day, field log sheet(s), and associated metadata information...
Application of the WRF-Hydro Modeling System for the Conterminous United States at the NHDPlus version 2 Spatial Resolution Using the Bias Adjusted Version of the CONUS404 Atmospheric Forcings (CONUS404BA), Water Years 2010-2021
This data release contains inputs for and outputs from a hydrologic simulation for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the WRF-Hydro modeling system version 5.2.0 (Gochis and others, 2020) at the NHDPlus version 2 spatial resolution. This simulation was developed to provide water budget estimates for the period 10/1/2009 to 9/30/2021 using the bias adjusted version of the...
Loss of acclimation response of brook trout acclimated to three thermal regimes for 2-years and then moved to a common colder temperature
This dataset contains records of body sizes and critical thermal maximum test results of brook trout reared for 2 years under three different temperature regimes (+0 °C (the average daily water temperature of a nearby long-term study site), as well as +2 °C and +4 °C above that daily average), moved to a common colder temperature (~15 °C), and thermal tolerance measured using a critical...
Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) version 1.1, GridMET Calibration
This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimates of the water budget for the period 1979 to 2021 for one pre...
Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHM) with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and Geospatial Fabric version 1.1, 1980-2021, CONUS404BA
This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimates of the water budget for the period 1980 to 2021 for one pre...
Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System for Puerto Rico, Geospatial Fabric version 1.0, and Daymet version 4 Atmospheric Forcings, 1950-2021
This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for Puerto Rico using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.2.1, the USGS National Hydrologic Model infrastructure (NHM, Regan and others, 2018), National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric version 1.0 (Viger and Bock, 2014), and the Daymet version 4 (Thornton et. al., 2020) atmospheric forcing...
RNA yield and sequencing data from Exosomal miRNA isolation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for diagnostic biomarker discovery
This study presents the isolation of exosomes and RNA from 20 samples of white-tailed deer serum using a commercially available kit, incorporating optimizations for RNA yield through two elutions and replicate pooling. The RNA yield from each method is reported, with six samples processed using three techniques. Seven samples underwent RNA sequencing, where total RNA was prepared for...