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Genetic Data from Arctic, Polar, and Saffron Cod and Walleye Pollock, Alaska and Canada, 2011-2017
Fragment data from 11 nuclear microsatellite loci and sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were gathered from Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. Mitogenomic analyses of Arctic cod and three other co-distributed gadoids (Polar cod [Arctogadus glacialis], Saffron cod [Eleginus gracilis], Walleye Pollock [Gadus chalcogrammus]) were also...
Climate, hydrology and riparian vegetation composition data, Grand Canyon, Arizona
These data were compiled for monitoring riparian vegetation change along the Colorado River. This file contains data recorded at 42 sandbars between Lees Ferry and Diamond Creek, AZ, which are sampled for both geomorphic and vegetation change annually. Field data contained here were collected from 2012 to 2016 in September and October of each year. Plant species cover values in 5441 1m^2...
DDT and related compounds in pore water of shallow sediments on the Palos Verdes Shelf, CA
For nearly two and a half decades following World War II, production wastes from the worlds largest manufacturer of technical DDT were discharged into sewers of Los Angeles County. Following treatment, the wastes were released via a submarine outfall system to nearshore coastal waters where a portion accumulated in shallow sediments of the Palos Verdes Shelf (PVS). An investigation of...
Reductive dechlorination rate data for 4,4'-DDE in sediments of the Palos Verdes Shelf, CA (1981-2010)
Wastes from the worlds largest manufacturer of DDT were released into the Los Angeles County municipal sewer system from 1947 to 1971. Following primary treatment, the effluent was discharged from a submarine outfall system whereupon a portion of the DDT and associated degradation products were deposited in sediments of the Palos Verdes Shelf (PVS). Parent DDT is present only in trace...
Soil Water Balance Model of Upper Chehalis River Basin, Southwestern Washington
A Soil Water Balance model for the Upper Chehalis River basin in southwestern Washington.
Frullania nisquallensis Species Confirmation, Attu Island, Alaska, 2018
This dataset contains sampling, molecular methods, and partial tRNA-Leu DNA sequence information for three individual Frullania nisquallensis.
Fish and selected physical and chemical water-quality data for the U.S. Geological Survey Midwest Stream Quality Assessment
In 2013, the first of several Regional Stream Quality Assessments (RSQA) was done in the Midwest United States. The Midwest Stream Quality Assessment (MSQA) was a collaborative study by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Rivers and Streams Assessment. One of the objectives of the RSQA, and thus the MSQA, is...
Post-Hurricane Gustav Coastal Oblique Aerial Photographs Collected from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, to Isles Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge, Louisiana, September 4, 2008
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), as part of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project conducts baseline and storm-response photography missions to document and understand the changes in the vulnerability of the Nation's coasts to extreme storms and longer-term processes related to sediment supply and sea-level rise. Hurricane Gustav made landfall on the Louisiana...
Sediment macrofaunal composition, sediment grain size, and taxa functional traits of multiple deep-sea coral habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, 2009-2014
Deep-sea corals can create a highly complex, three-dimensional structure that facilitates sediment accumulation and influences adjacent sediment environments through altered hydrodynamic regimes. Infaunal communities adjacent to different coral types, including reef-building scleractinian corals and individual colonies of octocorals, are known to differ from background non-coral soft...
Datasets for Trends in Water Quality of Selected Streams and Reservoirs used for Water Supply in the Triangle Area of North Carolina, 1989-2013
This U.S. Geological Survey Data Release contains the associated data described in the Scientific Investigations Report, "Trends in water quality of selected streams and reservoirs used for water supply in the Triangle area of North Carolina, 1989-2013". Since 1989, the U.S. Geological Survey and a consortium of local governments have tracked water-quality conditions and trends in the...
Data Used to Characterize Peak Streamflows and Flood Inundation Resulting from Hurricane Harvey
In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the USGS and FEMA worked together to document the storm event in southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana. This data release contains the flood inundation polygons, flood-depth rasters, mapped boundaries, and high-water mark (HWM) locations for the selected river basins, coastal basins, and coastal areas that flooded in Texas and...
Geochemistry of ore, host rock, and mine waste pile samples of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, in relation to potential rare earth elements resources, 2016-2018
Thirty-four ore, twenty-nine mine waste, seven host rock, two pegmatite, and one slag sample were collected from iron oxide-apatite (IOA) mines in the eastern Adirondack Highlands near Mineville and Ticonderoga, New York, from March 2016 to August 2018. The waste pile samples included twenty-five samples collected from rubble-sized mine waste piles and four samples from processed...