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Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2016

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides derivative statistics of water used by Kansas public-supply systems in 2016. Gallons per capita per day (gpcd) was calculated using self-reported information in the “Part B: Monthly Water Use Summary” and “Part C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates” sections of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water...

Geospatial datasets of seabed topography, sediment mobility, and the distribution of geologic substrates in quadrangle 2 of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region offshore of Boston, Massachusetts

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Marine Sanctuary Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) region since 1993. The interpretive datasets and source information presented here are for quadrangle 2, which is one of 18...

Monthly twelve-digit hydrologic unit code aggregations of the National Hydrologic Model Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System version 1.1 forced with CONUS404-BA, 1980-2021

This data release contains 15 variables from the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) version 1.1 modeling application forced with CONUS404-BA (Markstrom and others, 2024) from January 1980 through September 2021 that are summarized to a monthly time step and a twelve-digit hydrologic unit code for the spatial extent of the...

Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Other Chemical Constituents for Groundwater and Surface-Water Samples on Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2014-2019

Groundwater, surface-water, and associated quality assurance samples were collected downgradient of an abandoned fire training area and wastewater infiltration beds on western Cape Cod, Massachusetts and analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from 2014-2019. Water-quality properties measured at the time of sample collection include pH, specific conductance, temperature...

Lead Concentrations and Isotope Ratios for Selected Water and Soil Samples Near Middleton Municipal Airport - Morey Field, Middleton, WI, 2022

In order to understand the provenance of lead in the surface water, groundwater, soils, and shallow pore water within and near the Middleton Municipal Airport–Morey Field (C29) in Middleton, WI, a subset of samples were sent to the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene for analysis. The results of these analyses are included in this data release and include both low-level lead concentrations...

Geophysical Data for Assessment of Karst Drainage Features in Genesee County, New York

In September and November 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, collected geophysical surveys of 5 karst drainage features (sinkholes) in eastern Genesee County, New York, in order to study the nature of the subsurface fill material, bedrock topography, and karst dissolution features. Sites were surveyed using...

Puerto Rico new radiometric age analyses

This dataset contains U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of zircons from selected igneous rocks collected from the region surrounding and including the uplands of the United States Territory of Puerto Rico. The samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted during 2018 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Zircon...

Age Determinations from Various Geochronological Methods of Rock Samples in the Greater Antilles and Virgin Islands

This data set contains various reported age determinations from various rock types collected from the larger region surrounding and including the islands of the Greater Antilles and United States Territory of Puerto Rico. Although a select few of the samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted and funded by the Mineral Resources Program of the U.S...

Rainfall, Video, and Geophone Data from the Hermit's Peak/ Calf Canyon Fire Burn Area, New Mexico, June 2022 to June 2024

Precipitation, volumetric soil-water content, videos, and geophone data characterizing postfire debris flows were collected at the 2022 Hermit’s Peak Calf-Canyon Fire in New Mexico. This dataset contains data from June 22, 2022, to June 26, 2024. The data were obtained from a station located at 35° 42’ 28.86” N, 105° 27’ 18.03” W (geographic coordinate system). Each data type is...

Rainfall, Volumetric soil-water content, Video, and Geophone Data from the Calwood Fire Burn Area, Colorado, April 2021 to November 2023

Rainfall, volumetric soil-water content, video, and geophone data characterizing postfire rainfall and runoff were collected at two stations in the 2020 Calwood Fire Burn Area in Colorado. This release contains data from stations at two sites named Heil Ranch (40° 8' 43.47" N, 105° 20' 26.352" W) and Calwood (40° 9' 4.76" N, 105° 21' 20.79" W). The data presented here were collected from...

Lunar Grid Reference System (LGRS) Terrestrial Navigational Training Grids in Artemis Condensed Coordinate (ACC) Format

USGS is assessing the feasibility of map projections and grid systems for lunar surface operations. We propose developing a new Lunar Transverse Mercator (LTM), the Lunar Polar Stereographic (LPS), and the Lunar Grid Reference Systems (LGRS). We have also designed additional grids to meet NASA requirements for astronaut navigation, referred to as LGRS in Artemis Condensed Coordinates...

Comparison of Acoustic Recorders and Field Observers for Monitoring Tundra Bird Communities in Northwestern Alaska

Acoustic recorders can detect the presence of birds and these detections may be used for the purpose of population abundance or estimation. This monitoring project compared the abundance of tundra-breeding birds detected through both acoustic monitoring and observational surveys. The data package is comprised of four tables: (1) habitat type, including vegetation height at sites where...
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