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USGS Groundwater Data for the Nation
Data from wells, springs, test holes, tunnels, drains, and excavations across the U.S.; well location data includes information such as latitude and longitude, well depth, and aquifer. Groundwater level data are collected and stored as either discrete field-water-level measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders.
USGS Water-Quality Data for the Nation
Chemical, physical, and biological properties of water, sediment, and tissue samples from across the U.S. Water-quality data are collected as either discrete field measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders that continuously record physical and chemical characteristics including pH, specific conductance, temperature, and dissolved oxygen.
USGS Surface-Water Data for New Jersey
Nationally, USGS surface-water data includes more than 850,000 station years of time-series data that describe stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reservoir and lake levels, surface-water quality, and rainfall. The data are collected by automatic recorders and manual field measurements at installations across the Nation.
USGS Groundwater Data for New Jersey
The Ground-Water database contains ground-water site inventory, ground-water level data, and water-quality data. Additional ground-water information for New Jersey is available at the New Jersey Water Science Center web page. This page includes geologic maps, a description of the aquifers in New Jersey, and references to selected ground-water reports.
USGS Water-Quality Data for New Jersey
At selected surface-water and ground-water sites, the USGS maintains instruments that continuously record physical and chemical characteristics of the water including pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and percent dissolved-oxygen saturation. At sites where this information is transmitted automatically, data are available from the real-time data system.
California Flood Activity Alerts
USGS Project Alert Notices RSS feed includes response summaries of USGS streamgaging network activity during storm events in California. These Notices are produced by USGS Streamgaging Programs nationally and can be found on the USGS Current Floods Website.
Lower Colorado River Hydrologic Monitoring Network
The Lower Colorado Monitoring Network, located along the All-American Canal in Imperial County, California, is a series of groundwater-level and water-quality wells, as well as streamgages and micro-gravity sites. This interactive map displays the sites and provides links to the most current data.
New Jersey Groundwater Watch
Interactive map of New Jersey Groundwater Network divided by Counties.
Annual Water Data Reports - Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri
Beginning with Water Year 2006 and ending with Water Year 2013, annual water data reports were made available as individual electronic Site Data Sheets for the entire Nation for retrieval, download, and localized printing on demand. As of 2014, NWISWeb now provides an on-demand, print-ready Water-Year Summary as an annual water-data product.
National Water Information System Elwha River at Diversion
Site Number 12046260 Elwha River at diversion near Port Angeles, WA
National Water Information System McDonald Bridge
Site Number 12045500 Elwha River at McDonald Bridge Near Port Angeles, WA
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico