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National Water Information System (NWIS) - Oregon

National Water Information System: Mapper (Oregon)

Johnson Creek Basin Stream Sites

Find stream data (streamflow, level, and water quality) for Johnson Creek, OR, using a map.

Treasure Valley Drains

To begin filling data gaps for development of a Treasure Valley groundwater-flow model, we installed 10 new real-time streamgages on drains along the lower Boise River from Eagle to Parma. The streamgages will monitor the amount of shallow groundwater the aquifer system discharges to surface water. This was a missing component in previously developed models.

Groundwater data for Washington

Data from wells, springs, test holes, tunnels, drains, and excavations in Washington; well location data includes information such as latitude and longitude, well depth, and aquifer. Groundwater level data are collected and stored as either discrete field-water-level measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders.

Water-quality data for Washington

Chemical, physical, and biological properties of water, sediment, and tissue samples from Washington. Water-quality data are collected as either discrete field measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders that continuously record physical and chemical characteristics including pH, specific conductance, temperature, and dissolved oxygen.

Willamette River in Portland Water-Quality Site

Willamette River at Portland, OR, is one of the most extensively monitoring streams in the US. The monitor located at the Morrsion Bridge in downtown Portland measures thirteen real-time parameters.

Geodatabase supporting the assessment of hydrologic resources and the potential effects from oil and gas development in the Bureau of Land Management Tri-County Planning Area, Sierra, Doña Ana, and Otero Counties, New Mexico

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents the geospatial data used to assess the hydrologic resources and the potential effects from oil and gas development in the Bureau of Land Management Tri-County Planning Area, Sierra, Doña Ana, and Otero Counties, New Mexico.

Geodatabase supporting the assessment of hydrologic resources and the potential effects from oil and gas development in the Bureau of Land Management Tri-County Planning Area, Sierra, Doña Ana, and Otero Counties, New Mexico

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release presents the geospatial data used to assess the hydrologic resources and the potential effects from oil and gas development in the Bureau of Land Management Tri-County Planning Area, Sierra, Doña Ana, and Otero Counties, New Mexico.

Current Conditions for Arkansas - Streamflow

To view current streamflow conditions for Arkansas click here

Clackamas River Basin Water-Quality Sites

Recent and historical data for USGS Clackamas River Basin water-quality monitors.

Current Conditions for Arkansas: Water Quality

To view current conditions for Arkansas Water Quality click here.

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