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Surface-Water Data for Nebraska
Real-time, daily, peak-flow, field measurements, and statistics of current and historical data that describe stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reservoir and lake levels, surface-water quality, and rainfall in Nebraska. Surface-water data are collected and stored as either discrete field-water-level measurements or as continuous time-series data from automated recorders.
Nebraska Continuous Water-Quality Network on WaterQualityWatch
The Nebraska Continuous Water-Quality Network is part of USGS WaterQualityWatch. This web site provides maps that track short-term changes in water quality. Temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrate, discharge, chlorophyll, and surrogate data are available.
Nebraska Real-Time Water Quality on National Real-Time Water Quality
Real-time computed concentrations of water-quality constituents such as suspended sediment, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus are calculated using ordinary least squares regression models. The results of these models, along with direct water-quality measurements, can be viewed here as time-series graphs, or downloaded as tabular data.
Nebraska Continuous Groundwater Level Network on Groundwater Watch
Explore the wells in the USGS Nebraska Water Science Center continuous groundwater level network on Groundwater Watch.
Annual Water Data Reports for New York
Water resources data are published annually for use by engineers, scientists, managers, educators, and the general public. Annual Water Data Reports and Discontinued Sites for New York :
Nowcast - Water-Quality Conditions At Beaches And A Recreational River
The Ohio Nowcast is a system that provides near-real-time beach advisories to the public through use of quick measurements and predictive models.
Groundwater Watch (New York)
Groundwater Watch displays maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent, and historical groundwater data from wells and springs across the United States. Groundwater Watch groups related wells and data from active well networks and provides basic statistics about the water-level data collected by the USGS and from data supplied to us from partners through cooperative agreements.
WaterWatch (New York)
USGS Water Watch displays maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent, and past streamflow conditions for the United States. The real-time information generally is updated on an hourly basis. WaterWatch provides streamgage-based maps that show the location of more than 3,000 long-term (30 years or more) USGS streamgages.
Groundwater Conditions on Long Island, New York in 2010
USGS online mapper for water-table altitude, and potentiometric surface of the Magothy, Jameco, Lloyd, and North Shore aquifers on Long Island, NY, in 2010.
Groundwater Conditions on Long Island, New York in 2013
USGS online mapper for water-table altitude, and potentiometric surface of the Magothy, Jameco, Lloyd, and North Shore aquifers on Long Island, NY, in 2013.
Upstate New York Surficial Aquifer Viewer
Map view of over 30 sand and gravel aquifers in upstate New York (Note: Zoom-in to purple-shaded areas for detailed 1:24,000 scale aquifer maps. Use the Map Identify tool, "i", to display links to related on-line reports.)