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Tualatin River Basin Streamflow Data
Real-time streamflow and stage data from the USGS and Oregon Water Resources Department. Includes access to custom graphs and tables, and multi-day hydrographs.
Northeastern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
Northeastern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
Northwestern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
Northwestern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
Southwestern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
Southwestern Wyoming Pesticide Groundwater Sampling Sites
USGS Surface-water data for Arizona (NWIS-Web)
Access to current conditions, historical observations, daily data, statistics, peak-flow data, and field measurements for streamflow gaging stations in Arizona.
Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer
Total water level (TWL) at the shoreline is the combination of tides, surge, and wave runup. A forecast of TWL is an estimate of the elevation where the ocean will meet the coast and can provide guidance on potential coastal erosion and flooding hazards.
Natural Hazards Mission Area, Water Resources Mission Area, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Recovery Activities, Hurricane Dorian, Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Isaias, Hurricane Jose, Hurricane Laura, Hurricane Marco, Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Matthew, Hurricane Michael, Hurricane Nate, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricanes
Computed instantaneous suspended-sediment concentration in Williamson River
Suspended-sediment concentration data from National Real-Time Water Quality (NRTWQ) website.
McKenzie River Basin Water-Quality Sites
McKenzie River Water Quality and Streamflow Monitors
Tualatin River Basin Water-Quality Sites
Map of currently active monitors in the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon.
Harney Basin Data Mapper
Map viewer of groundwater sites in the Harney Basin, Oregon
Oregon Streamflow Table
Table of current streamflow conditions for 245 site(s) in Oregon.
Portland HYDRA Rainfall Network
The HYDRA rainfall network is operated and maintained by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. Rainfall data are provided with their permission and cooperation.