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Our programs produce accurate geologic maps and 3-D geologic frameworks that provide critical data for sustaining and improving the quality of life and economic vitality of the Nation. They also organize, maintain, and publish the geospatial baseline of the Nation's topography, natural landscape, built environment and more.

Geologic Maps

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May 7, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map

May 7, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map showing lava lake level and elevations of features within the caldera

April 29, 2021—Increasing size of the Halema‘uma‘u lava lake

Digital elevation models (DEMs) created from photos taken during helicopter overflights of Kīlauea summit.

April 29, 2021—Rise of the Halema‘uma‘u lava lake

Digital elevation models (DEMs) created from photos taken during helicopter overflights of Kīlauea summit.

April 23, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map

April 23, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map showing lava lake level and elevations of features within the caldera

April 16, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption thermal map

April 16, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption thermal map constructed from aerial imagery

March 10, 2021—Mauna Loa eruption response times

March 10, 2021—Mauna Loa eruption response times over the past 200 years

April 8, 2021—Mauna Loa summit interferogram

This image of the summit of Mauna Loa Volcano is derived from satellite-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and is called an interferogram.

April 5, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map

April 5, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map showing lava lake level and elevations of features within the caldera

March 29, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map

March 29, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map showing lava lake level and elevations of features within the caldera

March 26, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption thermal map

March 26, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption thermal map constructed from aerial imagery

March 12, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map

March 12, 2021—Kīlauea summit eruption contour map showing lava lake level and elevations of features within the caldera

Kīlauea Volcano summit eruption — thermal map GIF

ANIMATED GIF: This animated image file (GIF) includes a series of thermal maps—ranging from daily to several weeks apart—made from helicopter overflight thermal imagery of Halema‘uma‘u crater, Kīlauea summit.
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