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Our programs produce accurate geologic maps and 3-D geologic frameworks that provide critical data for sustaining and improving the quality of life and economic vitality of the Nation. They also organize, maintain, and publish the geospatial baseline of the Nation's topography, natural landscape, built environment and more.

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Colored shaded-relief bathymetric map and orthomosaic from structure-from-motion quantitative underwater imaging device with five cameras of the Lake Tahoe floor, California

This two-sheet publication displays a high-resolution colored shaded-relief bathymetric map (sheet 1) and orthomosaic (sheet 2) of part of the Lake Tahoe floor in California generated from a U.S. Geological Survey towed surface vehicle with multiple downward-looking underwater cameras. The system is named the Structure-from-Motion Quantitative Underwater Imaging Device with Five Cameras...

Maps of elevation of top of Pierre Shale and surficial deposit thickness with hydraulic properties from borehole geophysics and aquifers tests within and near Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2020–21

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, collected borehole geophysical data and completed simple aquifer tests to estimate the thickness and hydraulic properties of surficial deposits. The purpose of data collection was to create generalized contour maps of Pierre Shale elevation and surficial deposit thickness within and near Ellsworth...

Geologic map of the source region of Shalbatana Vallis, Mars

Xanthe Terra is a high-standing cratered plain located southeast of Lunae Planum and south of Chryse Planitia in the western equatorial region of Mars. It contains landforms shaped by diverse geologic processes, including various scales of channels and valleys, chaotic terrains, delta fan deposits, and landslides. An extensive outflow channel system is located within Xanthe Terra and the...

Delineating the Pierre Shale from geophysical surveys east and southeast of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, used surface-geophysical methods to delineate the top of Cretaceous Pierre Shale along survey transects in selected areas east and southeast of Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, from April to September 2021. Two complementary geophysical methods—electrical resistivity and passive seismic—were...

Bathymetric map and surface area and capacity table for Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, 2020

Table Rock Lake was completed in 1958 on the White River in southwestern Missouri and northwestern Arkansas for flood control, hydroelectric power, public water supply, and recreation. The surface area of Table Rock Lake is about 42,400 acres, and about 715 miles of shoreline are at the conservation pool level (915 feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988). Sedimentation in...

Bedrock geologic map of the Crown Point quadrangle, Essex County, New York, and Addison County, Vermont

The bedrock geology of the 7.5-minute Crown Point quadrangle consists of deformed and metamorphosed Mesoproterozoic gneisses of the Adirondack Highlands unconformably overlain by weakly deformed lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Champlain Valley. The Mesoproterozoic rocks occur on the eastern edge of the Adirondack Highlands and represent an extension of the Grenville Province of...

Use of high-resolution topobathymetry to assess shoreline topography and potential future development of a slack water harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Southwestern Division, Little Rock District Civil Works program has a mission to maintain cohesion between physical and naturally developed environments. The USACE authorized the development of an off-channel harbor (hereinafter referred to as the “proposed slack water harbor”) along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System at river...

Colored shaded-relief bathymetric map and surrounding aerial imagery of Whiskeytown Lake, California

The Carr wildfire began on July 23, 2018, and burned almost 300,000 acres (approximately half on Federal lands) in northern California during the subsequent 6-week period. Over 97 percent of the area within Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, California, burned during the 2018 Carr wildfire, including the entire landscape that surrounds and drains into Whiskeytown Lake. Shortly after...

Geologic map of MTM −10022 and −15022 quadrangles, Morava Valles and Margaritifer basin, Mars

The landscape in Mars Transverse Mercator (MTM) −10022 and −15022 quadrangles (lat −7.5° N. to −17.5° N. between long 335° E. and 340° E.) in Margaritifer Terra preserves a record of sedimentary and alluvial deposits, volcanic and tectonic structures, and erosional landforms that record a long and complex geologic and geomorphic history. MTM −10022 and −15022 quadrangles primarily...

Geologic maps of the Stephenson and Winchester quadrangles, Frederick and Clarke Counties, Virginia, and Inwood and White Hall quadrangles, Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia

The study area consists of four contiguous 7.5-minute quadrangles and is located in Frederick and Clarke Counties, Virginia, and Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia. The individual quadrangles are Stephenson, Winchester, Inwood, and White Hall. The study area lies within the Great Valley subprovince of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province where about 23,000 feet (ft) (7...

Quantifying and visualizing 32 years of agricultural land use change in Kabul, Afghanistan

Agriculture is a key element of Afghanistan’s economy and plays an essential role supporting the expanding population and urban development of Kabul, the country’s capital. Over the past decades the urban landscape has changed substantially and agricultural land use has shifted in its extent, location, and density. Identifying trends in the amount of agricultural area, as an indication...

Potentiometric surface, 2014–15, and water-level differences, 2009 to 2014–15, in the Chicot equivalent aquifer system in southeastern Louisiana

The U.S. Geological Survey constructed the potentiometric surface of the Upland terrace and upper Ponchatoula aquifers and the “400-foot” sand using the altitude of water levels from 121 wells measured January 2014 to March 2015. Differences in water levels in the Upland terrace and upper Ponchatoula aquifers and “400-foot” sand were measured at 55 wells in 2009 and again at the same...
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